Originally Posted by Armani View Post
Nice update

Since this is the place for feedback....

Can we get an option to remove pings? People are abusing them and writing inappropriate messages

Smokes are a bit over-tuned and will need readjustment. They're kind of taking the place of molotovs ATM with how much damage/area of control they give. And they also extinguish molotovs so it's a huge counter.

Love the sticky latching mechanic btw

Also, in regards to what Sunrui was saying - blowing up a mine can trigger other nearby/stacked mines. But other explosives don't trigger mines. Not sure if we want to change that or not. Maybe time will tell. Seems alright for now.
You can disable the ping system in options or /ignore a player which will also hide their pings. You can also report those players abusing it to us so we can take actions and improve the chat filtering (the ping filter follows chat filter rules).

Sounds like we need to reduce the amount of smokes a person can carry.