Any genre. Rock, Blues, Classical, R&B, Hip-Hop/Rap, Pop, Metal, KPop, anything. Doesn't matter.

To me, regardless of the genre, the point of music is to connect to it mentally and emotionally. You could really connect and relate to the message behind a song or the references it throws in there, but I also feel like too many people think music has to be all about lyricism. So many people forget the production side of music. Sure some deep, intricate, meaningful lyrics can be beautiful, but that shouldn't solely define music and "good" songs when judging it. Nothing irks me more than when people say a song "sucks" just because it's not some deep, eye-opening song lyrically. So many people ignore a big part of what makes it music in general, the instruments. Whether it be from a real instrument or electronically produced, that's honestly the best part, IMHO. It's what really reels me in and makes me connect to the song.

What's the purpose of music to you ? Feel free to go into specific genres too if you'd like