Originally Posted by Bashy View Post
Lol if you take a look at my MAL you'll see that I watch old anime. In fact I just finished watching a good old anime named Akagi about a week ago. (Gave it a 7/10)

Anyways, it's either you mix up the genres I want or you mix up the dateline I asked for.

The anime genres I want to watch are Action, Super Power, Supernatural, Adventure, things like that. The timeline I want it to be within is from 2007 upwards. Nowhere have I ever stated that I want to watch anime 2012+. That is your misconception, in fact I clearly stated 2007+ MANY different times in THIS thread.

Also the reason why I stated 2007+ so many times is because I don't like the old anime you recommend. For instance, there was one where a guy made something from a tree or some shit, I don't remember the name of it. And that anime is VERY old. You like to watch old as **** anime then recommend them, I don't like that. I think you should be the one to step out of your town and try the more recent ones. If it was ANYONE else recommending animes for me then I would give them a different timeline, like 2005+, but you like to look for the OLD OLD OLD ones to recommend, thats why I keep stating 2007+.
Akagi's in my previous post up there, you should watch kaiji if you liked it any bit. It's one of the highest rated anime. I saw all the most recent ones (not beast saga nd such though) but I dont intend on talking about them too long since I assumed you looked them up yourself beforehand. 2007+ isn't a wide margin either. I don't want to argue with you, so I'll keep it short :
You are close minded towards animes, and your ego blocks you from seeing it.

Originally Posted by mr guy View Post
is Desert Punk worth watching? i saw the description and that really interests me
im not a big anime fan and only watched like 3 animes so far
Well usually people go for Death Note, Bleach and the such as they start. Desert punk is pretty interesting though, it deals with a young mercenary in a time where the earth's filled with sand (future). He is THE legendary sunabouzu "Sand Demon". But as you go on, you realise that what folk peoples call magic are just some funny tricks. It's not stupid either, it's just staying realistic in some fashion, and that's what makes it funny. In a regular anime, you'd see two peoples shooting at each other and blocking bullets or avoiding them god knows how. In this one, both peoples hide behind rock and shoot at each other until the crowd tires and go away. It does though go around, without being tottaly ecchi, it still has an accent on female sexuality at some point. You can see suggestive pose or what'snot, but that is all integrated in the show, not for fan-service.

I do think Desert Punk is worth watching if that kind of style interests you. I strongly suggest you watch animes with subtitles. There is multiple reasons why subtitles are better. Dubbs are made for kids who can't yet read quickly ennough (there's nothing bad there). If you can read fast ennough, Subtitles really is the thing, it will make your whole experience of the anime much more enjoyable.

Have fun,