First game, I was getting zoned really hard and almost lost, he went all in for me, a little bit too deep and took a tower shot + box feared him.
I was really lucky

Second game, Karma VS Cass. Holy shizzle! I was getting rekt really hard, he triple my cs and I was getting zoned so I fully focused on poking him instead of trying to get cs. I was 30% hp and he was 60% hp when we both decided to all in. Karma ult W heals 20% instantly then 20% after the chain is broke, so I did that + E shield + Barrier which absorbed most of Cass' dmg. Lucky I got the first blood and died to her poison; very good and close game!

Third game, randomly picked Morde l0l First minute I almost died to Rengar's stronk early game potential so I decided to drag it out a bit and then all in'd at lvl 6