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  1. #1
    Jakanadin's Avatar ThatGarboGamer

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Since I highly doubt many people actually READ the Terms of Service, I'm posting a Thread about the new rule.

    -You will refrain from posting generic replies(i.e. lol, welcome back, k, hi, bye, etc...), or replies with one to three words in them. If you cannot make the effort to post a decent and thoughtful reply multiple times, you will be reprimanded(Introduce Yourself section and the Golden section being the exceptions).

    I've seen A LOT of this lately and it bothers me, as well as others. What is the point of posting one to three word replies? Nothing. Just ups your post count. From now on, these posts will be seen as spam and are a punishable offense. Here are the levels of offenses:

    First time offense - Warning

    Second time offense - Infraction

    Third time offense - Second and final infraction

    Fourth offense - Suspension

    Anything further will be an increase in suspension length, then after one or two extended lengths, you will be permanently banned.

    Might seem like a harsh rule, but putting a little more effort to post makes a difference. And I've seen quite a few people pushing the fourth offense, so that's why I made the rules a little lax. Don't want to see a bunch of people banned, would just like to see less spam for our Moderator's to clean.

    Originally Posted by Grascen View Post
    Sooo.... It seems I get asked to put forth some sort of comment or something, even though I've been off the staff for quite some time now(personal choice).

    McSic seems to be worried about whether or not this new rule(no 3-word posts) is actually good for the forum, due to the response it has received. I am going to share my view on it, to everyone, only because McSic asked nicely(that and to shut a few of you up).

    The real idea behind this rule, I'm guessing, is to prevent those really stupid posts that don't contribute to the thread at all. Most likely, you know what I'm talking about. If you don't, here's some examples:
    -"Lawlzzz /10 char"
    -"Ha ha /10 char"
    -"Funny /10 char"
    -"Orly? /10 char"
    -"I dunno /10 char"

    Now, some are concerned this rule will interfere with actually useful posts that just happen to be about three words long. Here's my answer: It won't. If your post actually had some relevance, any competent moderator will leave it be. The rule was mainly set in place to get rid of the retarded spam posts. The wording of the rule should be replaced and defined to something along the likes of "No spam-like posts that do not contribute to the topic in any real way.", but not be enforced too hard. Have that rule set in place, but only warn/infract/suspend if the user does it often.

    To address the "delete the posts, don't infract people!" argument: I'd like to ask you a simple question. If I delete over one hundred stupid posts, do you think people are gonna learn anything? No. It provides even more work for the moderators. If I infract 5 people over stupid posts, do you think people are gonna learn anything? Enough will. The majority of the people here don't like being infracted/banned from the forums, so a majority of the people will refrain from doing it.

    To address the moderators: This a a game forum with a closely knit community of friends(with a few people who aren't friends with each other). Although we want to keep the forums pretty clean, it doesn't need to be "job application" clean.

    Now, McSic, I hope you're happy.
    Last edited by Electricity; 08-29-2010 at 10:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Jakanadin's Avatar ThatGarboGamer

    Join Date
    May 2009
    New addition:

    "-You also agree to not create or use an Account to override another Account suspension or banning."

  3. #3
    NitroAbob's Avatar The Wolf Man

    Join Date
    May 2009
    New Addition:

    I added the post that Grascen made that explains the rule a bit more in depth.
    Her eyes,
    They burned like wild fire,
    She had came.
    Came to take her desires,
    By force,
    At least she's a damn good liar.
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