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  1. #1
    DocSvengalli's Avatar Freestyler

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    Aug 2009
    Since Rash closed and moved the other topic before I could reply, I'd like to repost it with the information he told me to give.
    I have not come to this community in a year or played in a year or so.
    I was banned for UC when I do not UC...
    BlueTank and others will vouch for me.
    McSic unbanned me because I proved that a hacker got onto my account when I was reported for allegedly UCing....
    I know most of the players here live in Europe, but here in the United States people cannot be tried for the same crime when proven to not be guilty.
    I was reported again for "lagging" in a game when I have 4 other people in my family who share the same internet...
    My brother was downloading a torrent and no one can prove 100% that I UC when the only proof they had were screenshots and not replays...
    I was ganged upon in the report thread because I was a huge egoer but egoing is not bannable, flaming is...
    Please take this into consideration.
    I know I've messed up in the passed but we are all human and humans make mistakes.
    My mistakes were egoing and making enemies...
    I am sorry for my mistakes and I know that even if I am unbanned I will be shunned by many.
    All I am doing is throwing away all of my dignity and begging to be unbanned...
    If you are going to ban me, I atleast want to be banned for something I DID do...
    I've spent nearly $200 to $300 on this server, and no other private server is the same...
    Freestyle Gunz has one of the best communities and gameplay on the net...
    That is all, thank you...


    *EDIT* You can also see sort of from my screenshots below that I do NOT UC...

    Originally Posted by Rash
    If you wan't to get unbanned it's always a good idea to atleast tell your ingame name.
    My in-game was ShadowQu33n, Shade, Shadow, Doubt and others. I had colors, but like I said, it's been so long I forgot the colors.
    My account name for the game is the same as it is on the forums, GHTEndo.
    I am sorry that I did not put that information in before Rash, my apologies.

    *EDIT EDIT* According to my most recent picture on FGunz, my name was ^2S^0erpen^2t or something of the sort. Looks like this Serpent

    *EDIT EDIT EDIT* Found another post with the exact name, ^2S^0erpen^2t^2, or Serpent.^2S^0erpen^2t^2 and I'd also like to add that people were telling me that I had to just deal with getting banned... like there was no choice? Regardless of me being in the right or wrong, I was going to be banned... a lot of the people don't even see why he reported me... here's one of the threads I think, but for now, I'm done editing 'til you guys read this.

    ~Thanks in advance (again)

    *EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT* I forgot to mention that the 4 other people who share my internet are my Mom, my Dad, my older Brother, and my younger Brother...
    My Mom and my Dad play Rift all the time and my dad is constantly downloading games and movies and burning them onto CD's....
    My older Brother also plays game, in-fact, he switches more games than anyone I know. He discovered torrents and has been using them like glue for the passed couple of years.
    My little Brother also plays games, he plays World of Warcraft, Minecraft, and other computer games. He is also buying an Xbox 360 soon so hopefully that will help my connection a bit.
    NOW I know you're probably thinking, "Well why should we unban him then? All these people are just constantly going to give him major lag spikes?" that's not true.
    My parents only go on at night from 12:00AM - Whenever, and my older Brother only downloads torrents when he goes to bed now which is near 2:00AM.
    My little Brother is almost always on the computer but I would get little to no lag from him...
    Last edited by DocSvengalli; 07-11-2011 at 09:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Shui's Avatar Dnator

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    May 2009
    Unban from me.
    Even if he was guilty, a 6 month ban is ok with me.

  3. #3
    KiraiNimaka's Avatar Wannabe Audiophile.

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    May 2009
    Weird thing is that you have 3 warnings, so I gues we could remove that warning without proof

  4. #4
    DocSvengalli's Avatar Freestyler

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    Originally Posted by KiraiNimaka View Post
    Weird thing is that you have 3 warnings, so I gues we could remove that warning without proof
    I have 4 warnings on that account, but Shui removed one and then it got added again by Rash and I have no idea why...
    I even had screenshots of PwnedByMe saying in-game that he was just going to find ways to ban me and that didn't hit anybody?
    Whew, sorry, I'm getting worked up... I don't even know what the 3 warnings are for though?

  5. #5
    Rash's Avatar ♣ ¶ §¡mplÿ The ßesT ♣

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    Yea you said you got banned for Uc and now you saying u got 4 warnings ...make up your mind please << Thats why I added the warning back then

  6. #6
    DocSvengalli's Avatar Freestyler

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    Originally Posted by Rash View Post
    Yea you said you got banned for Uc and now you saying u got 4 warnings ...make up your mind please << Thats why I added the warning back then
    First off, I'd like to say I wasn't even talking to him in those screenshots? I was talking to Shin which is obvious.
    Second off, if I am talking to Shin, Shin didn't post it so obviously he/she was not offended?
    Third off, I'd like to state that you can clearly see that PwnedByMe is not Shin because he is playing his character, PwnedByMe...
    I said I have 4 warnings because, if you read, Kirai stated that I have 3 warnings.
    Please do not try and come at me Rash... I do not have a problem with you and I do not see why you needed to add the last bit... "make up your mind please".
    Originally Posted by KiraiNimaka View Post
    Weird thing is that you have 3 warnings, so I gues we could remove that warning without proof
    I would also like to ask what my other warnings are for? Because I have no clue... I don't know why McSic and Stroop have not posted on this topic...
    I sent them both PM's but, then again, they are both Administrators of all of Freestyle. They are probably busy.
    Last edited by DocSvengalli; 07-12-2011 at 09:33 AM.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Rash's Avatar ♣ ¶ §¡mplÿ The ßesT ♣

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    You started this thread by saying you got banned for UC and I'm stating that you didn't get banned for Uc.
    You however got banned for having 4 warnings.
    And yea even if you were talking to Shin I don't see why you were using the words "hores" and "fkers" instead of "hore" and "fker"
    But yea if someone wants to remove his warning go ahead

  9. #9
    DocSvengalli's Avatar Freestyler

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    I should not get a warning for this though:
    I was not flaming anyone? Me and Spyder were messing around saying stuff in Spanish? Not even towards people...
    I don't even know if that was correct grammar for the Spanish language? We were just having fun having a good time...
    Then someone goes, "SS LEO U MAD FLAMER MANZ!!!!111!!".... I didn't do anything?

  10. #10
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

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    Removed 1 warning and unbanned. Ur still on your last chance though.

    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready.
    I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
    There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
    And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

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