Originally Posted by Vickachu View Post
because gfx and design is serious. and you fail to realize this.
Graphics and design on an online forum in a way that is non-profit is not serious....
Making signatures and avatars for donations or in-game currency/items is not serious at all...?
If you were serious, you wouldn't be selling your work for air.
Originally Posted by KingHaze View Post
^ this.

Gracefull, do even realize how much money you can make if you are a great designer/gfxer?
As for you, until you begin making a reasonable salary for your work, the stuff you put on here is pointless.
You are just another internet bully like half of EVERY and ANY GunZ community.
No wonder most GunZ players play League of Legends as well...
Both games have a very toxic community, full of wannabes and neverwillbes.
Until you can truly realize that this forum, this game, isn't life, you will suck.
Suck at GunZ, suck at "graphics and design", suck at it all.
People like you on these forums make me wonder why I ever even wasted years playing this game -.-