Originally Posted by Bunnychaser View Post
Originally, egoing was not allowed in fgunz. Meaning you really couldn't say something very insulting to people without getting a warning.
Back then, almost all swear words were also ingame banned (You couldn't type them.)
There's a reason it changed. It's a competitive game, it's very hard not to get mad at other people (or express that anger.)
'stop being a whiny bitch' is the exact opposite of what someone who's offended should be told. That's an easy way to get people to quit the game/server.
So it changed because freedom of speech basically. Also, calling someone a whinny bitch is not a phrase that gets players to quit, thats silly. Just one sentece-- oh, i quit. If someone is constantly being called that, well, they should check themselves. Or report cor harrasment if its constant (from the same people).