Originally Posted by Mazi View Post
I feel like I should have my say in this matter.

First of all, I wouldn't say he isn't the best medstyler of all time, rather I'd put him up there at the top.
What people don't know is that apart from the big named medstylers both new and old, there were others who were on par with them or even exceeded them.
So to decide who IS the best medstyler of all time without knowing every other medstyler out there is a bit inaccurate.
With that being said, Nemesis would still be at the top, top 3 even.

And to those who are denying him being one of the best, I automatically assume you're one of those sham medstylers who only stay in training rooms trying to perfect every single trick and just trying to find their own.

Knowing what to do and how to use the tricks you learn when being chased is more useful than just mastering a trick for show and never using it for any practical purposes