Originally Posted by LaceUp View Post
Why would you be so proud if you're gay?
You're just gay? jezus whats the big deal?
Aren't you proud of who you are? Aren't you proud of the person who have become? I'm sure you have done great things that you look at urself and you go," damn im good," or something of that nature. Is that not pride in yourself? Why can't gay people have pride in themselves for who they are?

Originally Posted by SaintSnow View Post
you´re right but some gays, act like they are so brave being gay. i think it´s annoying because in my opinion you guys are the same as me . but why the hell keep saying i´m gay and proud of it. that really annoys me . so you are gay? do i need to look up on you or something because you are ? not saying you are saying that but Some are and that´s the annoying thing. they think they earn respect for saying that..

EDIT: its Always awkward in my opinion if 2 people are kissing in front of you but that´s my opinion XD
Lets think about some societies. Idk where you live if gays are welcomed or not, but lets bring it to 3rd world countries and other places were being gay is banned and punishable by death. Are they not brave for being who they are? Are they not proud to be who they are? I'm going to have to bring it to a personal story (which i know some of you trolls are gonna troll about me telling a story). I myself am gay, clearly. My parents and family are old school Portuguese parents in which gays are the most disgusting thing in the world. I knew this. I knew that my dad hates them more than anything. Yet, I was brave and took a chance, maybe they would accept they son. You know what i got? I was kicked out of my house in which my dad said," never come to me again." And I never did, im living with my boyfriend right now happier than ever. Am I brave? I would like to think so. And I def have pride for what i did and I have pride for who i am. We all are brave in our own ways.

Another thing about people complaining about guys being feminine (im not feminine but still defend them). I believe there is a word for girls called ," tomboys" in which they dress like a guy and act like a guy. Isn't that the opposite of what they are suppose to be? So what's the problem of a guy acting the way he wants, feminine it up the way he wants to. How is that any different from how a girl acts masculine? No one complains about that. Everyone complains about the things we do but we just do what girls do in the opposite way. Some act feminine, we act masculine. Some girls act masculine, some guys act feminine.

Sooooo thats my arguement and how i feel about this.

Happy LGBT. I went to the pride parade in NYC last month and loved itttttttt. Best time of my life ;P