Originally Posted by Jianyu View Post
Please do not troll my thread, I did nothing to deserve this. I've asked you multiple times to stop. You are now on my ignore list.


I don't know what kind of fluid you got in your eyes, I won't judge you, but you're not seeing clearly. I knew your judgment was clouded, but simply calling everything trolling or untrue because you don't like what you're seeing (not sure what that is) is just corruption!

This is what I was talking about, I would call to anyone that is about to participate in this thread to watch carefully! This is not to be taken serious, Jianyu is incapable of leading this investigation and not willing to approach things from multiple sides... If people are still interested in starting an investigation on this matter, please contact me and perhaps we can arrange something. If anyone can think of a smarter person then the current one leading the investigation, please share (Please make sure the IQ level is higher then a monkey this time).

Let's hope we can find a solution, if not a new thread then perhaps this young man coming to his senses!