Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
Killing people in training rooms to become better is the purpose of a training room, it's a game where you supposed to kill others lol
If you need to train some moved or whatnot then you can just make a private room for yourself.
This. It's a shooting game. You're supposed to shoot and fight. Trust me, it's fun to stand around with some friends and chat in-game for a little bit, but you can't possibly expect someone to just not attack you in a training room. Fighting is how you get good at the game. You can't get good by aiming at still objects all day long or tbfing against a wall. Stop being sensitive man. I don't even know how you people find it entertaining to just stand around on a game that's supposed to be an action game lol. If you get mad when someone hits you, fight back. If you can't defend yourself, then just leave the room or ask the person to stop.