Originally Posted by TGIF View Post
Just to clear things up on my end, this game has weapons (piss swords/ 2-shotting SGs etc.) for you to play with so go ahead but seriously man, don't add ego to your 6v1 piss swording gang fights. like, you paid for those weapons and lots of nubs will whine about them. But if you're going to ego ppl whilst having an unfair advantage prepare to get roasted son cuz there's lots of people on gunz that can bring the justice to ya. You shouldn't feel confident about your shitty gaming skills unless you match your armor/weaponry with your opponent and beat them 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, 6v6 or whatever. Not 5v1, 6v2, 7v3 or any of that shit. This might be going into great detail (for some of you people...), but sometimes a 3v2 is fine so long as the teams are balanced (skill levels), that's how you assess team matches. Can't believe I'm having to point out this obviously, obviousable informascion. Pin this thread and label it: "Community guidelines for young people" or "Common sense for uncommon people" lol (and FYI, a person's brain usually hasn't 'fully' developed by the age of 25). You might say "oh it's the internet, that's how it is bro! Deal with it!" Well tbh, we're at the point where this is not just the internet anymore, bro. This is a community. I've been on this game enough that I've got to know people by now, like know a part of their story/life, their personality. We're connected with each other over a game, it's amazing. and yet people don't know how to behave in a community? This is NOT internet anymore buddy. You've been trolling persons since 2003. This is something completely different lmfao. You ever wonder what a troll is? think about harry potter or lord of the rings, and seriously take this time to think hard and vividly... to imagine what a troll looks like..............*busted* lol and that's what you chose to be?

If someone posted this common ****ing knowledge that 16 year olds are having so much trouble obtaining at their retarded age, we'd be a step closer to having a better community / less unnecessary ego. Playing this game since 2007 and ever since aeria closed this game, the community restrictions have gone downhill from there. Let's be serious, you GMs are never going to care enough because this is a private server it's not even a real game. I mean you guys are practically cursing in front of the people who play YOUR game. way to set an example for them. lol I hope this game gets taken over by some serious people. i mean warnings? what? no, if you think about it nobody will learn from a warning. a ban however, will teach people that dumb shit can't be tolerated. And no, GMs, that doesn't mean you get to barge in on locked rooms and banning people here n there. It's not your job to go into random rooms putting your nose where it doesn't belong. The community will do that for you. If a player encounters 3rd party applications that ruins their gaming experience, they will report it to you so wait for your opportunity and do your job in the most professional manner possible. Every professional in your position should understand privacy is of the utmost importance. If you can't guarantee that on your server, why would people follow you as their leader? Lots of games are like this - in the sense that nobody understands the concept of a community because its the internet and its mostly young people playing the game. But i thought i'd voice my opinion on here since I have a platform. It might reach some people. If I did this on Call of duty forums it wouldn't do a goddamn thing. They're not connected well enough. I know the people who play this game care about this game. I personally like playing with a little bit of ego too, but behind that you can tell when people are being playful, evil or just downright sad with it. That's just it. i'm done my rant. Sorry I've been on this game A LOT this week maybe that's why i'm pouring out now. I'm enemies with some people on this game lol, but pretty sure about 80% of the people i'm cool with because i've learned to deal with the constant irrational behavior. That's the type of relationship I like having with players. Maybe i'm spilling all of this because I want players to have a better experience. Game must be like hell for new comers and don't take that literally. Lol but then again ever since aeria era ended has there even been new comers? there are too many private servers for the same game imo...

Also i could point out good players and the good things about this game, because of course there are, but i would like to put all my focus on this topic for this thread no matter how much it made you cringe. the truth is truth. Liberals > everything. Free your mind young people, and go after better things. You might be letting out unnecessary emotions on your computer screen because your life isn't the way you wanted it to be. Gotta work for what you want in this world. Take doom12 for example, the infamous bad-mouthed gladiator. I know for a fact why people behave like him...any human being with a normal functioning brain whose inactive / have no job will constantly be bothered, especially men (not to be sexist but usually the oldest person in the family). Cause we grow up around our hard-working parents and know we should be doing something better with our time. no one is that pissed all the time lol. The root of this is your life itself. And I know this from experience. I think this is valuable information I'm writing here and eh, I hope it helps someone. Lot of you guys know that school isn't the only source of knowledge.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe
I can't believe the price you pay
Nothing can save you
Justice is lost
Justice is raped
Justice is gone
Pulling your strings
Justice is done
Seeking no truth
Winning is all
Find it so grim
So true
So real
why you talk so many?