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  1. #1
    New Member

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Log start : Sat Jul  1 17:22:45 2017
    Current Directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ
    17:22:45:059   [APP] OS version :  (Build 9200)
    17:22:45:083   [APP] Window created successfully.
    17:22:47:157   [ZUpdate] Create.
    17:22:47:163   [ZFileTransfer] Create.
    17:22:47:166   [ZFileTransfer] Create successfully complete.
    17:22:47:169   [ZFileTransfer] Open connection.
    17:22:47:171   [ZFileTransfer] Open connection successfully complete.
    17:22:47:173   [ZFileTransfer] Change directory.
    17:22:47:192   [ZFileTransfer] Change directory successfully complete.
    17:22:47:194   [ZUpdate] Create successfully compete.
    17:22:47:197   [APP] Download patch info file
    17:22:47:200   [ZUpdate] Start update.
    17:22:47:204   [ZFileTransfer] Download file : patch.xml.comp  to  ./patch.xml.comp
    17:22:47:377   [ZFileTransfer] Download successfully complete.
    17:22:47:397   [ZUpdate] Get update info.
    17:22:47:422   [ZUpdate] Get update info successfully complete.
    17:22:47:428   [ZUpdate] Check valid from patch list.
    17:22:47:520   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : Gunz.exe
    17:22:47:676   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : model.fgz2
    17:22:47:707   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : sfx.fgz2
    17:22:47:712   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : system.fgz2
    17:22:49:392   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : Maps/Citadel.fgz2
    17:22:49:460   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : Maps/Dojo.fgz2
    17:22:50:472   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : Interface/default.fgz2
    17:22:50:542   [ZUpdatePatchNode] Needs to update : Interface/loadable.fgz2
    17:22:50:894   [ZUpdate] Check valid from patch list successfully complete.
    17:22:50:897   [ZUpdate] + Total patch file count : 8
    17:22:50:900   [ZUpdate] + Total patch file size : 88545826 bytes
    17:22:50:903   [APP] Exist patch file(s)
    17:22:50:906   [APP] Start file updating...
    17:22:50:909   [ZUpdate] Patch files.
    17:22:50:911   [ZFileTransfer] Download file : Gunz.exe  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ\PATCH\Gunz.exe_
    17:22:51:962   [ZFileTransfer] Download successfully complete.
    17:22:52:728   [ZUpdate] Successfully download '.\PATCH\Gunz.exe_'
    17:22:52:731   [ZFileTransfer] Download file : model.fgz2  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ\PATCH\model.fgz2_
    17:23:27:460   [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : O tempo limite da operação foi excedido
    17:23:27:472   [ZUpdate] WARNNING : Retry patch file : .\PATCH\model.fgz2_ , 1 retry
    17:23:27:476   [ZFileTransfer] Download file : model.fgz2  to  C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ\PATCH\model.fgz2_
    17:24:09:501   [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : Não foi possível estabelecer uma ligação ao servidor
    17:24:09:505   [ZUpdate] ERROR : Fail to download file '.\PATCH\model.fgz2_'
    17:24:09:509   [ZUpdate] Patch files STOP!!!
    17:24:09:528   [ZUpdate] ERROR : Start update FAILED!!!
    17:24:09:532   [APP] ERROR - Update fail
    17:24:09:535   [APP] Updater error message :
    Internet connection closed or this file is read-only : .\PATCH\model.fgz2_
         [Tip] Please check your internet connection or delete this file
    17:24:09:540   [App] File transfer error message :
    Não foi possível estabelecer uma ligação ao servidor
    I went to the Missing file Folder but the model.fgz2 link is not down. Can someone send me it?
    Last edited by r306; 07-01-2017 at 06:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Try this one.
    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready.
    I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
    There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
    And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

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