Okay so, I'm angry. Why are people making games only allowed to certain parts of the world? Examples of this are A N D USA/CAN ONLY! or EUROPE only TDM or something to that effect. I realize this is to reduce lag between players but whenever I join a game that says Europe or whatever, and I live in CA, USA, they say that I'm a lagger and immediately act to attempt a kick. What I'm getting at is should we be allowed to make rooms specified for only certain people around the world? Because the game I was in was 3v1, I was 0-4, and when two people on my team had similar pings joined and the kick was initiated I was kicked without any hesitation. So my questions addressed to staff and players are as follows:
1. Where is this server hosted?
2. Do you agree or disagree with what I'm saying?
3. If you agree should there be a rule implemented? Elaborate.
4. Should players be able to dictate who enters or leaves a game based on geographical placement?