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  1. #1
    New Member

    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Hi, am posting on behalf of a friend who wants to give Fgunz a go. Windows defender, firewall and his antivirus has been turned off (teamviewed him to do it for him) but the problem still persists. Here is a paste bin of the log if it helps. Thanks!

    GUNZ 1,0,0,290 launched. build (Oct 28 2016 19:078)
    Log time (11/02/16 22:102)
    Linear88's Runnable!
    CPU ID = GenuineIntel ( family = 6 , model = 15 , stepping = 6 ) @ 2933 MHz
    Display Device = ATI Radeon HD 5450 ( vendor=1002 device=68f9 subsys=54501092 revision=0 )
    Display Driver Version = 8.17.0010.1103
    Windows = 6.1 Build 7601 , Service Pack 1 (64-bit) (4194303KB) : Windows 7..
    Load XML from memory : system/locale.xml- SUCCESS
    Country : (USA), Language : (USA)
    Load Config from file : config.xml- FAIL
    Load XML from memory : system/system.xml- SUCCESS
    Load XML from memory : system/strings.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
    Load XML from memory : system/cserror.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
    Load XML from memory : system/messages.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
    Load XML from memory : system/gametypecfg.xml
    Dmp ok.
    InitializeNotify ok.
    WFog Enabled Device.
    device created.
    Video memory 117.500000
    shader initialize successful : 1
    main : RGetLenzFlare()->Initialize()
    InitialLoading success.
    interface Initialize success
    ZApplication:nCreate : begin
    0(Primary Sound Driver): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
    1(Headset Earphone (HyperX 7.1 Audio)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
    2(Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
    3(Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
    4(Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
    found 0 custom music

    -------------------> Sound Engine Create : 1.975000

    sound engine create.
    Load XML from memory : System/tips.xml(0x0009)- SUCCESS
    start log bipmap
    end of load bitmaps2
    loading pictures : 7.784000
    warning : bitmap frame_b.png not found.
    warning : bitmap frame_t.png not found.
    warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
    warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
    warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
    warning : bitmap icon_gameroom.tga not found.
    IDLResource Loading Success!!
    IDL resources : 0.549000
    start InitInterface option
    Number of Display mode : 11
    Number of Display mode : 11
    end of InitInterface option ok
    Init maps : no Current ChannelRule
    Screen Effect Manager Create : 0.331000
    Screen effect manager create success.
    SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    ----------> in zip ( SFX/jjang_oldschool/ef_event_ongame_jjang.elu ) file not found!!
    in zip : SFX/jjang_oldschool/ef_event_ongame_jjang.elu.ani file not found!!
    Effect manager create success.
    Client create success.
    game interface create success.

    -------------------> GameInterface Create : 9.579000

    model/man/man-parts_shunter.elu mesh eq_chest_shunter node 34 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/man/man-parts_dryad.elu mesh eq_chest_dryad node 680 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/man/man-parts_gveteran.elu mesh eq_chest_gveteran node 6 face 2 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/man/man-parts_mummy.elu mesh eq_chest_mummy node 18 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/man/man-parts_nanosuit.elu mesh eq_chest_nanosuit node 680 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/man/man-parts_cloud.elu mesh eq_legs_cloud node 56 face 1 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/man/clonetrooper.elu mesh eq_chest_clone1234 node 0 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/woman/woman-parts_police.elu mesh eq_legs_police node 33 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/woman/woman-parts_police.elu mesh eq_chest_police node 376 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/woman/woman-parts_blackdragon.elu mesh eq_legs_blackdragon node 301 face 1 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/woman/woman-parts_eskimo.elu mesh eq_chest_eskimo node 80 face 1 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/woman/woman-parts_bloodsuit.elu mesh eq_chest_bloodsuit node 129 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/woman/woman-parts_gveteran.elu mesh eq_chest_gveteran node 6 face 1 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    model/woman/woman-parts_maka.elu mesh eq_legs_maka node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
    Load character.xml success,

    -------------------> Character Loading : 7.200000

    -------------------> WeaponMesh Loading : 1.429000

    Load weapon.xml success.

    -------------------> Worlditem Loading : 0.078000

    Load zitem info success.
    Load zBuff info success.
    Init world item manager success.
    Init map Descriptor success.
    Init channel rule manager success.
    Init abuse manager success.
    Init chatting filter. success
    Read SpyMapList.
    read SpyMode.

    -------------------> ETC .. : 6.429000

    BspObject open : begin interface/login/
    RBspObject:pen : Open_MaterialList
    RBspObject:pen : Open_LightList
    BspObject open object list : begin
    RBspObject:pen_ObjectList : size 8
    RBspObject:pen_ObjectList : end
    RBspObject:pen : OpenDescription
    RBspObject:penRs : file.Open
    RBspObject:penRs : file.Read(&header)
    RBspObject:penRs : file.Read(&nMaterial)
    RBspObject:penRs : Open_Nodes begin
    RBspObject:penRs : Open_Nodes end
    RBspObject:pen : OpenRs
    RBspObject:pen : OpenBsp
    RBspObject:pen : done
    Load smoke description mesh.
    main : OnCreate() done
    Destroy gunz
    Destroy sound engine.
    Destroy sound engine. success
    Destroy console.
    Destroy interface begin
    destroy client.
    PeerInfoList Released
    clear looks end.
    Widget map clear end.
    desctroy cursor system end.
    clear IDL resource end.
    Final interface end.
    Destroy game interface done.
    clear looks end.
    Widget map clear end.
    desctroy cursor system end.
    Destroy mesh manager.
    Destroy weapon mesh manager.
    Clear SkillManager.
    Clear QuestItemDescMgr.
    Clear MatchItemDescMgr.
    Clear ChattingFilter.
    Clear ChannelRuleMgr.
    destroy game application done.
    interface finalize.
    game input destroy.
    game configuration destroy.
    Bitmap manager destroy Animation bitmap.
    destroy gunz finish.

  2. #2
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Even if it's turned off, I would still add gunz.exe and launcher.exe to all exception lists you can find. I've seen scenarios where it didn't work until I added it to the exception list, even if it was turned off.
    Also make sure to run it as administrator.
    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready.
    I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
    There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
    And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

  3. #3
    Junior Member

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I'm currently experiencing the same problem. My fgunz keeps crashing when it is at the loading page, particularly, "Loading interface". It auto alt tab back to desktop and closes.

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