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  1. #1
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    Before I start, I would like to say that I came to the United Kingdom as a refugee. I would like to thank the people of Europe for accepting me and I am very grateful, especially with the state of my home country at the moment, however things back then were different than it is today...

    As much as I hate Donald Trump, it is about time he won.

    The reason why Donald Trump won is simply because politicians DO NOT listen to the people and ignore big topics such as immigration because they are afraid of stating their own opinions, because it will cause a big backlash thanks to the liberal media bias. Trump spoke the truth, openly and freely.

    European countries such as Austria, France, Italy, Greece and other European countries will most likely follow the same footsteps in the near future.
    Sweden on the other hand is too liberal to wake up from its ‘paradise dreamland’ and face reality.

    Far right wing parties across Europe are increasing at alarming rates due to the migrant crisis, terrorism and other factors such as power struggles within the EU and recent events such as brexit.

    The National front in France led by Marine Le Pen who are increasing in polls and won 12 cities in the municipal elections and 25% of votes in the French European elections giving them huge influence in the EU Parliament. Did I say that this party is anti-EU? Should I mention about the Calais jungle and other jungles and ghettos a.k.a no go zones across not only across France but also other European countries like Sweden?
    Now that Trump has won, France current President has an approval rating of below 10%, the unfortunate terrorist attacks across France and Europe and the running candidates in the upcoming French Election next year are quite unpopular, Marine Le Pen has a good chance of winning and if she doesn't win, she will most likely gain large amount of seats in the French Parliament to have huge influence.

    The Freedom Party of Austria led by Norbert Hofer, who by the way almost won the Austrian presidential election 2016 in May by just 30,863 votes. Just like the National Front, they are also anti-EU. This is the guy who is considered to be the Austrian Donald Trump. He likes to carry around a Glock 9mm pistol for his ‘own safety’. I wonder why?
    It is often said that Austria is the most eurosceptic country in the EU after the United Kingdom.
    You know what's funny about this year, Austrian Elections? Due to the very small victory of The Greens – The Green Alternative Party , the courts in Austria ruled that another election had to be scheduled on the 2nd of October, however that was postponed to December because of 'faulty glue'.

    Thanks to Germany selfish decision to invite over 1 million refugees for their own beneficial gains (which backfired) in the long term due to Germany ageing population. European countries are forced to take on refugees even if they do not want to (Hungary and Poland) or can’t afford to do so (Greece), the EU will put pressure on these countries and by bullying them.
    Where was the common sense when Merkel decided the decision to allow millions of migrants without any form of identify to enter Germany though 'other countries' such as Austria and Hungary who was against with the idea. Why didn't Germany just fly the refugees to them instead of causing problems in other smaller and poorer countries by further increasing tension and dividing Europe up. Germany should be punished for causing all of this mess, however that won't happen because Germany is currently the powerhouse of the EU and Eurozone.

    Italy almost lost their s**t in the summer due to the poorly structured banking sector. This could have caused the Eurozone to collapse. You should also look at the state Italy’s economy is in at the moment. I give you an idea, the IMF warned Italy that it will face two-decade long recession. It will take the country until 2025 to recover from the 2008 financial crash. Italy has one of highest debt levels in the EU, standing at 132.7% debt to GDP as of right now.
    Yet every year Italy is takes in thousands of refugees and they can’t cope with the situation.

    I can go on and on, but it will probably bore the whole lot of you, but what I’m saying that the way the world is at the moment, we are not far away from a full-scale crisis here in Europe, however we prevent that from happening if we take action now.

    As much as I feel sorry for these refugees such as those who were in the Calais Jungle before it was demolished, who have little hope, they put themselves into that situation by taking advantage of our generosity and I can't blame them. Most of us will probably do the same if we were in their shoes. Escaping from war-torn countries.

    Thank you for reading my opinion post.

  2. #2
    Cid's Avatar Highwind (wetdream)

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    Hmmm, While I don't really have anything to add to any of these subjects as an American, it was still very cool to be able to perceive things that are going on, like the drama involving the next French election. What exactly could a candidate do to NOT have an approval rating of 10% right now. Are you saying it is the presidents policies that is causing such disfavor or does it really all boil down to terrorist attacks and events such as. If that's the case, you'd think that the most important topic for the next election would be their policy regarding terrorist attacks and like prevention of them as well. It's sad to me that people are mostly thinking of their protection and well being instead of focusing on which candidate is best for the economy or social issues.

  3. #3
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    Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    What exactly could a candidate do to NOT have an approval rating of 10% right now. Are you saying it is the presidents policies that is causing such disfavor or does it really all boil down to terrorist attacks and events such as. If that's the case, you'd think that the most important topic for the next election would be their policy regarding terrorist attacks and like prevention of them as well. It's sad to me that people are mostly thinking of their protection and well being instead of focusing on which candidate is best for the economy or social issues.
    There are many things going on Europe all at the same time such as dealing with Trump and his NATO plans, Brexit, Russia, Migrant Crisis, etc…

    “What exactly could a candidate do to NOT have an approval rating of 10% right now.”

    For François Hollande, I believe it is too late. In fact, the BBC released an article today where French MPs are seeking to impeach Hollande due to his ever so decreasing popularity rate.
    Now, I am not from France nor am I French, but from what I gathered it was his policies, broken promises, failed to fix France stagnant economy and the way the French Government not only reacted to the Charlie Hebdo incident, but failed to prevent another two from happening.

    The recent terrorist attacks were done by ethnic minorities. This will of course increase the already heighten tension even more when it comes down to immigration. One of the main factors why the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU was because of immigration. People wanted to control our borders with Europe.

    “It's sad to me that people are mostly thinking of their protection and well being instead of focusing on which candidate is best for the economy or social issues.”

    Wouldn’t you want your Government to protect you from terrorist threats such as ISIS especially after opening your doors to 1 million + refugees? Europe experienced more than 10 if not more terrorist attacks in a span of 2 years already… I sometimes wonder if I’m going to get caught up in one some days when I'm out.

    You can almost guarantee that within those 1 million refugee there could be hundreds if not thousands of ISIS fighters sent to Europe to carry out to plan terrorists plan. ISIS are now changing tactics because they know that are losing the battle. Instead they are now focusing on promoting lone terrorist attacks just like the one in Nice, France.

    Germany recently uncovered that one of his ‘refugees’ was in fact a ISIS fighter he had bombing making equipment in his flat.

    Just two weeks the Metropolitan Police here in the London discovered a failed lone terrorist plot on the tube (Subway). Some guy left his bag in the train with wires sticking out (What an Idiot. He wasn't a very smart ISIS agent.). Passengers grew suspicious and contacted the police which in turn discovered it was a bomb. Police arrested the guy a few days later, raided his home to once find he had bomb making equipment in his house.

    Here's what the police here in the UK said about the threat of ISIS terrorist attacks.

    Jihadis planning Paris-style gun attacks on British streets, police say
    Last edited by MrIndeed; 11-12-2016 at 04:26 AM.

  4. The following user said thank you to MrIndeed for this useful post:

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  5. #4
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    Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    It's sad to me that people are mostly thinking of their protection and well being instead of focusing on which candidate is best for the economy or social issues.
    The interesting thing about France was that back in 2005 it had to declare a state of emergency because police lost controls in areas with high ethnic minorities and immigrates population. Riots broke in all across France because immigrates had enough of being treated poorly by the Government.

    Of course, we can't always blame the fault and issues on the immigrants. The Government must help immigrants integrate into society however the French are not very good at that judging from what I read on the news.

    Here's one example.
    Pork or nothing: how school dinners are dividing France

  6. #5
    Sunfire's Avatar [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲

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    The fact Trump won the election in America is a huge wake-up call to Europe. Thats why European leaders are terrified now. I don't really know how you came to Europe or if you are Syrian or not but there's tons of illegal immigrants here.

    I will talk about Greece ofc because the things here are crazy. With the liberal idealogy that is going around here, with the economic crisis, with the justice system crisis, came the Refugees crisis. Greek goverment (far-left, almost communists) ignored the middle class totaly, taxed us hella big almost 78-80% for over 100k, they ignored homeless Greek people and believe me there are tons of them and they made camps for 60k refugees. An investigation showed that while Germany (super-economy) paying 12k/refugee/year, Greece is paying 15k/refugee/year, thats 180 million per year more.

    Also keep in mind that we are 9.500.00 million Greeks right now and we've got over 2.000.000 Syrians,Pakistanis,Turks,Albanians,Bulgarians,Romanians,Gypsies,Egyptians.
    These kind of stuff gave birth to Trump and will give birth to other politicians like Trump to Europe. And I hope that time will come because Europe now with this stupid left policy is getting destroyed and its about time to wake up.

    Who ever came legal to Europe, or working,or has a clean background has to stay but others have to go.
    As i said before people in USA voted for Trump because they were bored getting ignored. Obama ignored the middle-class, ignored Americans. That's why left has fallen in USA and will fall in Europe.

    I'm glad that I see the stupid left policy die.

    Can someone answer me why did rich people support Hillary while she was saying she was against them and would tax all their money ? Nobody yet answered my question.
    Last edited by Sunfire; 11-12-2016 at 12:08 PM.

  7. #6
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    Originally Posted by Sunfire View Post
    The fact Trump won the election in America is a huge wake-up call to Europe. Thats why European leaders are terrified now. I don't really know how you came to Europe or if you are Syrian or not but there's tons of illegal immigrants here.

    I will talk about Greece ofc because the things here are crazy. With the liberal idealogy that is going around here, with the economic crisis, with the justice system crisis, came the Refugees crisis. Greek goverment (far-left, almost communists) ignored the middle class totaly, taxed us hella big almost 78-80% for over 100k, they ignored homeless Greek people and believe me there are tons of them and they made camps for 60k refugees. An investigation showed that while Germany (super-economy) paying 12k/refugee/year, Greece is paying 15k/refugee/year, thats 180 million per year more.

    Also keep in mind that we are 9.500.00 million Greeks right now and we've got over 2.000.000 Syrians,Pakistanis,Turks,Albanians,Bulgarians,Romanians,Gypsies,Egyptians.
    These kind of stuff gave birth to Trump and will give birth to other politicians like Trump to Europe. And I hope that time will come because Europe now with this stupid left policy is getting destroyed and its about time to wake up.

    Who ever came legal to Europe, or working,or has a clean background has to stay but others have to go.
    As i said before people in USA voted for Trump because they were bored getting ignored. Obama ignored the middle-class, ignored Americans. That's why left has fallen in USA and will fall in Europe.

    I'm glad that I see the stupid left policy die.

    Can someone answer me why did rich people support Hillary while she was saying she was against them and would tax all their money ? Nobody yet answered my question.
    I never knew the situation in Greece was that bad…

    Trump victory is indeed a huge wake up call for Europe.
    More and more people are now standing up against left wing and liberal parties who can’t face reality.

    These politicians do not listen our cries.
    People are starting to get sick and tired of left wing and liberal ideological policies.

    I came to the UK as a refugee in 2001 when things were different back then.
    Thanks for sharing my friend.

  8. The following user said thank you to MrIndeed for this useful post:

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  9. #7
    Zeino's Avatar (◡‿◡✿)

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    Lmao no one mentions how Turkey accepted 3 million Syrians

    Before you talk about how goverments should stop accepting "Syrians" why is no one talking about how the wars/terror groups should be stopped? Sadly, biggest powers like USA, England, Germany, France etc. are the ones who are the underhand founders and financial supporters of those t€rror groups. And people blaming how the "non-white" people are coming to the holy "white" lands EU, USA. Try to critise the ideology plan of the war in middle east, who did actually start it? Why is middle east STILL burning while all the big powers are already placed in there. They DON'T want the fire stop in middle east, can't you see that? WHY the most killed people are the muslims while they have to deal with islamophobic/racist goverments, media and people? That's why Trump wins. It actually doesn't even matter Trump or Clinton, USA policy will be always same and presidents are just puppets of the hidden powers. Just try to see the more in the things okay.

  10. #8
    Michi's Avatar spread kindness

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    Alot of the bullshit Donald Trump has in mind will not happen unless Congress decides to smoke weed before the voting of these things (i.e wall)

  11. #9
    Sunfire's Avatar [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲

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    Originally Posted by Zeino View Post
    Lmao no one mentions how Turkey accepted 3 million Syrians

    Before you talk about how goverments should stop accepting "Syrians" why is no one talking about how the wars/terror groups should be stopped? Sadly, biggest powers like USA, England, Germany, France etc. are the ones who are the underhand founders and financial supporters of those t€rror groups. And people blaming how the "non-white" people are coming to the holy "white" lands EU, USA. Try to critise the ideology plan of the war in middle east, who did actually start it? Why is middle east STILL burning while all the big powers are already placed in there. They DON'T want the fire stop in middle east, can't you see that? WHY the most killed people are the muslims while they have to deal with islamophobic/racist goverments, media and people? That's why Trump wins. It actually doesn't even matter Trump or Clinton, USA policy will be always same and presidents are just puppets of the hidden powers. Just try to see the more in the things okay.
    Turkey is neighbour with Syria, that means she's obliged to global law to accept war refugees. Europe on the other hand ain't obligated to that law because they are not neighbour with a country that has war. Two different things. Also Erdogan is using refugees to blackmail Europe for Visa and Money.
    It's not a secret tho that Turkey is funding ISIS in partership with USA. Also its not secret that Erdogan makes money by transfering refugees and buying petrol from ISIS. So yea Turkey's leader has alot to win from this war and he's winning alot.

    I agree with you that the war must stop and thats why I said that Trump is a huge wake up call. The only way the refugee crisis would be gone is to put an end to that war.

  12. #10
    Zeino's Avatar (◡‿◡✿)

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    Originally Posted by Sunfire View Post
    Turkey is neighbour with Syria, that means she's obliged to global law to accept war refugees. Europe on the other hand ain't obligated to that law because they are not neighbour with a country that has war. Two different things. Also Erdogan is using refugees to blackmail Europe for Visa and Money.
    It's not a secret tho that Turkey is funding ISIS in partership with USA. Also its not secret that Erdogan makes money by transfering refugees and buying petrol from ISIS. So yea Turkey's leader has alot to win from this war and he's winning alot.

    I agree with you that the war must stop and thats why I said that Trump is a huge wake up call. The only way the refugee crisis would be gone is to put an end to that war.
    Lol go ahead believe whatever the west two-faced, racist and islamophobic media pumps to you about Erdogan and Turkey.

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