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  1. #1
    MeMyselfandI's Avatar New Member

    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Suggestion Type:

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    A bit of the skill aspect of the game is negated by the RNG of the shotgun spread, and the angles also seem more skewed based on your Y axis positioning.
    Why not remove the RNG spread and just do a static circular spread for shotguns. It's pretty annoying and makes the game "feel" like its hit registry sucks when your shots are dead centered but sometimes do very little damage and sometimes you will randomly deal massive damage when off center. Just in general it makes a lot of people call bullshit in a lot of fights, or blame lag, or blame the game's hit reg when often times it's just the RNG spread working out in a really awful way.

    On a another note, I'm a fan of precision aiming and I feel like there could be a slight overhaul to revolver play. The current issue is that it's supposed to be a precision weapon, but based on the RNG of the spread the only viable way to use them is to pedal away from opponents until the RNG goes in your favor. So either the revolvers would have to suffer a damage nerf to lose the random spread or maybe even an introduction of a new type that is more accurate but weaker per shot. It could be balanced based on a trial period where it gets tweaked to a point where it doesn't feel either overpowered or underpowered. But I feel like there is a higher mechanical skill ceiling to having to hit more pin-point accurate shots rather than just getting someone caught in a massive weapon spread.

    Implementing both of these changes would surely affect the TTK (Time to Kill) of general combat, so the damage output of the weapons might seem higher, which could be negated with damage nerfs for the weapons across the board. But in the end it would make the game feel a bit more aim intensive and less RNG-based, which can only be a good thing imho.

    TL;DR - fixing the RNG spread of shotguns and revolvers to be static but at the same time lowering weapon damage a bit, so the game rewards aim % over time rather than having RNG elements have such a big role in the game would give the game a more competitive feel while also having the hit registry feel better.

  2. The following 4 users say thank you to MeMyselfandI for this useful post:

    Bunny (03-16-2017), Daniel (03-16-2017), Dios (03-16-2017), Shayla (03-16-2017)

  3. #2
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Mar 2014
    if i understand correctly, youre "complaining" that the random shotgun spread makes the gameplay somewhat luck based, and asking for an even distribution of pellets. its a very nice idea, and yeah i dont really see why not.
    regarding your damage modification suggestion to revolvers, as you may or may not know theres a very big update coming soon, changing gamestyle completely by introducing different ratios between ammo/weight/delay and damage output, so youll have to redo your suggestion based on the new system.

  4. #3
    MeMyselfandI's Avatar New Member

    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    if i understand correctly, youre "complaining" that the random shotgun spread makes the gameplay somewhat luck based, and asking for an even distribution of pellets. its a very nice idea, and yeah i dont really see why not.
    regarding your damage modification suggestion to revolvers, as you may or may not know theres a very big update coming soon, changing gamestyle completely by introducing different ratios between ammo/weight/delay and damage output, so youll have to redo your suggestion based on the new system.
    I don't actually know anything about the upcoming update, I kind of come and go randomly. Do they have a list of changes being made?

    But yeah, it's definitely a step in the right direction to remove RNG from fights if you want a game to feel more competitive and more rewarding of skill. TF2 in a similar fashion has random crits in pub games, but they did away with it in a lot of custom servers and in all competitive modes because it was honestly a terrible feature. In GunZ you have the added bonus of having the hit reg feel a hundred times better when the damage output is more consistent with aim.

  5. #4

    Join Date
    May 2014
    even with this you'll still be a random newgen

    ok ??

  6. #5
    StephanM's Avatar 🌹

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    May 2009
    Originally Posted by MeMyselfandI View Post
    I don't actually know anything about the upcoming update, I kind of come and go randomly. Do they have a list of changes being made?

    But yeah, it's definitely a step in the right direction to remove RNG from fights if you want a game to feel more competitive and more rewarding of skill. TF2 in a similar fashion has random crits in pub games, but they did away with it in a lot of custom servers and in all competitive modes because it was honestly a terrible feature. In GunZ you have the added bonus of having the hit reg feel a hundred times better when the damage output is more consistent with aim.
    Look at the gold member section/V8 threads?

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