Hi there, my name is Sosa, and I've returned to playing GunZ after I quit about 6(If not more) years ago.
I remember I used to be way better than I am right now, and I need some help to get better again.

First of all I need some help with the game settings. I want to know what settings in the options menu I have to change, what to enable and what to disable. This includes literelly everything in the options menu. I want to use the most efficient settings.

Second, I need help with my key configuration. I am playing with KStyle and I have seen some threads on the forums about this, but they are from 2013 and etc. Currently I'm using the defaults, but I notice that people are using different configurations which work way better. If I could get some help on this aswell, that would be nice.

Third, I need some links to good move guides. I've been playing for some weeks now but I notice I'm not getting any better. All I can do right now is a DBF, HS and RS. I have no clue where to find some good guides so I can learn new and better moves.

If there is anything else I should do/know what I haven't posted, please tell me this.

Thanks in advance.