Originally Posted by Dave View Post
It will not have spectator mode.
Although it may sound like a nice feature, it can also be abused in multiple ways. For example telling locations, HP/AP, etc.
That's because it is a nice feature, and fights get spectated more than you think. Specifically in 1v1s when people have to rejoin every round. If everyone already does it, theres no actual chance of it being abused any more than already possible, that's just a poor argument for declining it.

In Gladiator there isnt any need to tell people where they are hiding because there is no hiding, everyone is out in the open on the same playing field. It may not be as common in gunning to 1v1 with an audience but its still a thing too. Spectator mode would be like duel mode already is, except no one would be joining into the fight. Do you see people abusing the duel mode spectator, or TDM spectator for joining a round? Rarely, if ever.