Rather than reforming the ban/warning system, I think the bigger issue lies elsewhere. Each report seems to be reviewed on a case to case basis with no clear guideline on what is considered offensive vs. bullying. I understand it's hard to set actual boundaries on which phrases are out of line and whatnot, but the way that punishments are given out aren't consistent at all. People on this game get too butthurt and report others over silly trashtalk (i.e: being called ugly/stupid/bad etc). This leads to dumb reports and even more dumb infractions.

Also, I think that trash talking in other languages should be only handled by GM's/FM's who speak the language that the trash talk is happening in. Just because the person reporting is "translating" the offensive talk or whatever, it doesn't mean that it's an accurate translation. I don't think it's justified to ban someone based on poorly done translations by players who feel offended, because the translation will usually be biased and misleading.