Originally Posted by Bram View Post
I don't think that people who created an account in 2009/2010, then quit and come back in 2017 should be considered veterans. Only the people who have been actively playing since then should recieve this 'extra' in my opinion. How are you going to tell if a player has been active enough to recieve the 'extra'?
if you choose a certain requirement for an average playtime per day which then again, would be difficult due to lobby afk/training rooms, and the fact that i dont think the game has been tracking such information, then you could choose which people would get a jjang based on their average playtime and if it has completed the requirement to obtain such an item.

however something different that the game is tracking and could possibly be a nice addition, is adding a jjang like kuriyama mirai said, which can be fought at fgunz.net's donor shop however the price would not be in coins, but in playtime. lets make the requirement 5k hours to buy the jjang.
I currently have approx. 9k hours of playtime in total between my characters, buying the jjang would either remove 5k hours from my playtime or just keep it the same way and make the jjang an 'achievement obtained' so that once you get to 5k you get the ability to buy it for free, or with coins.