Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
You need to understand that were living in 2017. Barely anyone has 32bit systems left and if they do--they probably cant run many other games or even barely run chrome for that matter. Why do you wish to force upon developers a hard life living in the past allowing gunz to stay that "old game" that new people never come to? They are NOT going to come to the game if they keep the game old, unoptimized and lacking things ither games have developed years ago.
Not sure if you even read what I said, but let me break it down to you is the simple form.

Cafe users windows xp
Many users on windows xp use 32bit
Many users on w7 still 32 bit
I bet many users on FgunZ play in cafes (Admins/Gm's can confirm)
They can't run many games therefore they play GunZ cause they can run it and enjoy it
There's another server in competition with this server in terms player base still allow 32bit & 64bit
New players don't come because of optimisation and lacking things, they don't come because there's 0 advertisement for the game anymore, because when new players do come they are facing players who have played for years.