Originally Posted by Zabu View Post
damn https://image.prntscr.com/image/MlR3...C0RGeu0nmA.png
where was ur comeback 5 days ago?
and let me correct you
• I wasn't trying to win the weekly comp since Kageto told me that he's winning.

• Cid (and some players) knows what happened so I don't have to explain everything to you.

• And finally, I'm not Indian to swap to get '100' coins after one week(like some players do), when I already have the whole donator/VIP shop(s).

So please, correct yourself and please come back faster, I don't wanna wait 1 week.

Let me tell you something friend, the only roasted thing here is your face in ur avatar picture.

"Demn!! Roasted."
What you mean "cid and some players"? You straight up swapped rofl

I agree with this decision strongly because this has increased enormously, so much that people start reporting each other for the smallest things because they fear losing the competition. Like all these reports about 2 friends in the same ctf room decides not to kill each other So ThEy MuSt bE SwApPiNg!!