Originally Posted by StephanM View Post

You can notice that 1 bullet isn't properly placed and goes through another face (see image).
As for the bullet textures, not all the flag are aligned/rotated to the same POV (example the Canadian flag), with my next time is that you could also look at the USA flag, looks a bit weird around the corner.

And my last thing would be, if you have other GunZ models or the bullet model, you could use one of the original bullets for your model (sure you might add 20 poly but that wouldn't matter for the better result).

By all means I am not hating @people who know shit about this topic, I am just giving some feedback to improve himself.
Lol yeah I noticed the bullet clipping through after I uploaded it.

The usa flag doesn't have any mapping errors/flipped faces, but I do agree that there should be a different texture for it. It doesn't wrap very well at that one edge and the wavy flag makes the texture look like it's stretched when it isn't.

Didn't even think about using the actual ingame bullets, that's a good idea!