Originally Posted by ZoneStyle View Post
You don't really make me feel like checking this report again and help you..
And I already told you that I tested this out 1 year ago and I found out if you record someone who moves fast enough you can see his crosshair at one point and pellets at the other but whatever.
plus, the one moment I told you I have no explanation, I saw it only from your perspective but then I re-checked and watched his perspective exactly like you showed here and then I figured out I need to watch it again today.
Then don't check it again? That's your choice it's not me you're helping it's the server by getting rid of one more hacker out of the many who still play... I understand your point much like when you tumble the replay bugs so you can't see the crosshair placement but you're missing the fact that pellets are redirecting to places that his crosshair never actually crossed, he performs a reload shot and it happens... Let's say for arguements sake you wanted to choose to ignore all of that, the shot behind the pillar even if it only ONE MOMENT, is a very obvious moment, as obvious as they come. It's like me turning on a lawnmower/massive hack for a split second and then not doing it again, would I face the excuse of "Can't ban him for only one suspicious moment" because that's how it would appear, granted if it's a technicality/possibility that it could happen then yes it wouldn't be enough to issue a ban, however this 1 particular moment has no way in happening, much like there's no way a lawnmower/mass hack can happen.