IGN of reported player: ^9TomasEdison^A

Reason: Flaming (and insulting)

Proof/Evidence: I took some screenshots of him flaming to Alegra. I don't know so much about the language, but there are some translates to do a little summary of it:

karat at asslicker shelah = You called your asslicker (in that case was an insult to me).
lehi lehi shlehi nudes = whore and send nudes (in summary).
patetim = idiot (that was like a provoke).

In summary, he keeps insulting saying the same thing like "whore", "hoe", "send nudes", etc etc. Considering he has multiple accounts, if this is punishable, please extend the punish to all his accounts (since I guess he won't learn and if the punish is a mute).


Here is the evidence: https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/...VA2nzTY7M7rY6y