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  1. #1
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    The $100 monthly clan war reward will be back!
    The leader of the #1 clan at the first day of the month will receive $100 through PayPal.
    The leader of number #2 and #3 will receive 1000 coins which they can distribute throughout the clan.

    All clans will be reset in about 6 hours from now, and the first $100 will be given at the end of next month (November).

    Note that how long we will do this monthly reward depends on the players and how active CW will be.

    Freestylers Crew
    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready.
    I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
    There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
    And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

  2. The following 23 users say thank you to Dave for this useful post:

    Bunny (10-13-2017), Camel (10-14-2017), Cid (10-13-2017), Daniel (10-14-2017), Eagle (10-14-2017), EternalBeast (10-14-2017), Historia (10-13-2017), Hulk (10-15-2017), ijramist (10-15-2017), Justice (10-18-2017), KingHostom (11-05-2017), Kira (10-13-2017), McGregor (10-14-2017), Minato (10-18-2017), Polar (10-13-2017), Sam (10-13-2017), Stuwadie (10-13-2017), TomasEdison (10-14-2017), venkysuresh (10-14-2017), Yhamiie06 (10-16-2017), Zabu (10-14-2017), Zaku (10-13-2017), «Benjamin» (10-14-2017)

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