Hiiiiii there guy's i was currently a member on FGunz (Lexx),,
and was banned for something as mis-posting ...
but i was willing to put that behind me hahaha(:
and am willing to start fresh and new ^^
so i am really happy to see Stroop
get ownership on FGUNZ
because i had known him for
a long time and he surly
earned it. =]

-Glad To Be Here
-Trying to start fresh
-Getting to know new people
-keeping in touch with old friends
-RE-Donating the right way through paypal -

(Stroop if you reply to this please tell me your email so i can donate)

-Funding to this community is worth it trust me guys Stroop and Girbrid and fellow admissions to improve this community ^^
so please from me *RESPECT Them, and there server, Thanks

Well Nice to see you all and ttyl..