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  1. #1
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    The event team applications are now open!
    Feel free to apply, but first read the requirements! [Format] Event Team Application

    The applications will close on November 10th.
    Good luck to everyone!
    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready.
    I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
    There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
    And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

  2. The following 22 users say thank you to Dave for this useful post:

    Alegra (11-10-2017), Canpai (11-03-2017), Choco Pop (11-07-2017), Dragon (11-02-2017), Eagle (11-02-2017), Exc (11-03-2017), idan1868 (11-05-2017), Justice (11-02-2017), Mexs (11-05-2017), Mia (11-02-2017), MojoGogoO (11-02-2017), Ommadawn (11-03-2017), Polar (11-02-2017), Ricky (11-06-2017), River (11-03-2017), Share (11-02-2017), Shlefen (11-11-2017), TimeToRule (11-10-2017), TomasEdison (11-02-2017), VarunPro (11-04-2017), venkysuresh (11-03-2017), Zaku (11-02-2017)

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