IGN of reported player: ^VVoltage^E

Reason: doing WAY too much dmg

Proof/Evidence: https://www.sendspace.com/file/mqr1io

I LET IT SLIDE THE FIRST TIME. HOWEVER, I don't cw as much anymore and usually don't bother reporting, but having to constantly deal with hackers is kinda annoying. Wonder if the guy in the factory video is the same person, they're from the same clan at least and both play with the same people.

Anyway, what to note:
1. Guy does insane damage from every range despite reduced hitboxes in v8, seems like his shots are always max damage possible for a given range
2. Fks up his movement all the time (look at how many times he tumbles, groundslashes, or fails rs)
3. Guy has 0 gamesense, terrible movement and the aim of a god (makes stupid decisions, watch how he chases me inside in garden rd5 BFing, not the smartest idea)
4. Doesn't time his shots, yet hits harder than any top player

Some obv stuff to point out:

Also watch round 1 from Voar's point of view and watch how much his hp drops after every shot. His shot at 0:13 is a PB btw.

^Watch the way I move and how effortlessly he hits it, without timing his shots

Now some live POVs...
1. https://clips.twitch.tv/BigEasyJellyfishKippa - watch how much damage he does, consider the distance + reduced v8 hitbox, this is obvious as HELL
2. https://clips.twitch.tv/EnticingInve...achioDatSheffy - lmao
3. https://clips.twitch.tv/RockyCuteEyeballANELE - earlier video from my pov
4. https://clips.twitch.tv/BrightHeartl...rlietheUnicorn - nice angle on that tumble

could probably find more but this is obvious enough...