Originally Posted by Akimbo View Post
Imma tell you how v8 ****ed the server.

Donates are too op. Lb was bad enough but you bring out lb x, katana x, and donor gems? Sounds like an attempt to cash out on a game that you’ve given up on which is fking pathetic. It’s more expensive to get the best donates here than the other server.

Hit boxes are too small for your average player to hit. They don’t wanna feel like they’re shit, so they rq. Whoever thought of this stupid idea must have never played the game which is already some dumb logic to begin with. Hit boxes are bigger in the other server so people feel better about themselves.

Sick of playing vs unlegits. Get better anti hack. I know plenty of cwers out there that use private hacks (admitted) but it’s undetectable. Bar was ucing for 4 years before he got banned and that’s only because he turned up uc higher than he did cause he couldn’t hit shit in v8. 4 fking years? Unacceptable. In the other server it’s hard to play unlegit. Not saying that you should implement a RAT but add better detection.

Stop banning people for provoking staff. You banned leader of arise clan which lead to literally -30% cw activity in the server. Great job Linzor you can’t handle an insult on the internet so you make other people suffer. This would never happen in the other server.

In essence, everything here sucks compared to the other server. The one thing you had better before was cheaper donates and an English speaking community. Now all you have left is an English speaking community which isn’t much of a selling point. In hindsight. the server was going to have a decreased player count for sure. Try to fix these issues and maybe you’ll have more players.
They are actually the character model size... which should've been like that in the first place instead of a rectangle.
All I can say is git aim, git gut. Feel bad about it? Learn to aim!