Originally Posted by Notorious View Post
People who complain that the removal of R IA ruined FGunZ need a reality check, that aspect was/has never been apart of GunZ, it promoted spam, so called 'lucky aiming as you could just fire countless amount of shots without really aiming and not to mention no other server that's popular has that feature so it's not a key point as to why FGunZ is fading out.

Players being muted/banned for pointless stuff, from what recall some being a moderator in 2014 to the current date, the rules have been the same, player count back then was much higher therefore I don't believe this to be a key point either.

Anti-lead? Anti-Lead is fine for me, player who are complaint about it don't understand the aspect of the range drop outs and the new hitboxes, mainly shotgun users, you can't be firing shots from one end of the room to the other and expect to deal damage, same with expecting a decent amount of damage at a mid range shot when pellets spread and the hitboxes are much more accurate so therefore rather than a rectangle box around the thing you are shooting at, there's a accurately drawn hitbox around the modal, therefore pellets when spread go under the arm, through the legs, side of the head and over the shoulder etc, less pellets hit meaning less damage dealt.

I still think range drop in general needs to be removed. As for the overall reason for decrease in player count it comes down to Gunz being an old game, there won't be a influx of newcomers because the only people who can play GunZ and honestly enjoy it are players who played for somewhat years, nobody wants to come to a game trying to spray and snipe when players are bouncing off walls, reload shotting and have a 7/10 aim in general
Yup, I still go by that the drop-off should be goner.