I have just joined this server within the last 24 hours as i am very keen to get back into gunz due to its nostalgic value to me . My friend made me join this other M20 gaming server which i proceeded to waste money on as i was missinformed of the server not being anti lead. This is a big problem for me as i am from australia so everone has above 150 ping for me , although my problem is now that i have invested money into this game aswell and have accidently purchased the donator outfit not realising that it only gave cosmetic value . Normally i would take the slap on the wrist for making such a stupid mistake but considering i have wasted my money on another gunz server and have now come to this one which i am guaranteed to stay on and invest more in the future , i wanted to know if it is possible i could get the donator points i spent on the set back .
Yours truly