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  1. #41
    Eddie's Avatar find ɟlǝsɹnoʎ

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    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    it isnt about rigging at all.
    as sonji said, not all ETs have/had a good ability to actually play an event, it isnt part of the requirement for getting the role.
    if by chance, an ET is also someone that can regularly win events over other people using skill, why prevent that privilege from him, especially if he paid the same amount of coins as everyone else?
    Rigging was poor word choice sorry lol I'm tired. I meant more that they'd take advantage of the opportunity using their alts. And it's not fully preventing the privilege that's not what I'm saying. I'm not saying don't ever give them a chance to get coins, I'm saying just limit how often they get their chance to. The main point to take from this is that they're supposed to entertain the people first. Going back to my previous example, when you work at a food place, they don't say you're not allowed to eat any of the food you make/serve there. They may just limit you on how much you can eat so that other people have a chance to get what they want.

    They can still have their chance at getting coins, but I personally don't think it should be possible every single VIP event lol. It's bad enough that for years now the same people keep winning events. Just makes it look worse when it's always staff winning it.

    Eddie | Kiwi | Suiji

  2. #42
    Sonji's Avatar Dapper AF

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    Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
    People talking about how if staff paid for VIP they have a right to play as much as they want, but neglecting the fact that the regular players also paid money for that shit too lol. Yeah staff all start as regular members at one point and may have paid for VIP prior to becoming staff, but that's why I said to make it something they agree on before they agree to become a staff member. At the end of the day whether staff are getting paid hourly wages or not, it's still customer service, and like with any customer service place, the customer comes first. Take a restaurant for example. Wouldn't you be pissed if you and your family regularly go out to eat at different restaurants, only to find out the chef in the back has been eating nearly all the food on their shift and that they have no ingredients left to make the pretty much any of the food you and your family want? That's how you scare away customers. Same thing applies here. Wouldn't you be pissed if each time you join a VIP event thinking you have a chance to win some coins, the staff member just takes advantage of the service he/she is supposed to host for you each time ?.
    They paid for VIP to get exclusive content that normal players don't have, it doesn't matter if they have a staff position or not. I'll try to match your example. Let's say I go to my favorite restaurant and get a job there. Would they say I can't order because I started work there? That'd be awful, I was a customer before taking the job. The staff members who bought VIP are still customers here.

    Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
    They can still have their chance at getting coins, but I personally don't think it should be possible every single VIP event lol. It's bad enough that for years now the same people keep winning events. Just makes it look worse when it's always staff winning it.
    If the same people keep winning it's the Host fault for letting it happen, they should know what kind of events can be won by the same person multiple times in a row, and should not be hosting it as a VIP event.

  3. #43
    Michi's Avatar spread kindness

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    This suggestion is long overdue.

    Event Moderators applied to host regular events for regular/VIP members. So I can see where the conflict lies between GMs/ETs. There should not be any argument between whether or not an Event Moderator can play though, it should have been like this 2 years ago. I tried to enforce it at times but failed miserably and gave up. Alternative accounts 4 the win.

    If staff participate in VIP events they should also be limited to the amount of times that they win per set, regardless of whether or not they were VIP when they got the staff position. Staff roles were put in place to help out the community for the most part, a staff member constantly winning a regular event is just ridiculous.

    but hey what do i know

  4. #44
    Linzor's Avatar White shores, and beyond

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    If the same people keep winning it's the Host fault for letting it happen, they should know what kind of events can be won by the same person multiple times in a row, and should not be hosting it as a VIP event.
    Except they don't really choose events, people vote for them. Don't think it's fair that they avoid to "suggest" certain events for the people to vote for because they know that "these specific players" will attend.

    So the way I see it, it's either to reduce the amount of times that staff can win, which then I would have to agree with Mex and make it 1 time only.


    Some reward system that benefits the ET's (the hosts Imo) without reducing the chance for the VIP players to win some coins.
    Last edited by Linzor; 12-18-2017 at 02:16 AM.

  5. #45
    Eeksdee's Avatar Best Asian Male Dora

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    Let them play, if others can't win is technically not the staff's fault. There's no such thing as negative benefits for staff members, just like you working in a hospital as a Doctor but then you suffer *insert* disease and you're not allowed to receive treatment cause you're a staff.
    It just doesn't make sense.

    If the staff keeps winning perhaps cause of rigging, punish them individually and not affect every others.

    Only apply to staffs with VIP
    Last edited by Eeksdee; 12-18-2017 at 10:15 AM.

    Thank you and credit ~ GeorgeGFX

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