Originally Posted by Jaay View Post


Not sure how did Limit breakers get votes to stay at 11 if all of you guys look all so F2P. Lolermy

like i said its not everyone the ones that are paying the full amount is what the owner really wants but on the other side he really wants players and he is an oldschool player he knows almost everyone that still plays everyone got free accs and there friends and free coins.
i don't really understand what you are trying to say with 'all of you guys look al so F2P' like what is that supposed to mean
and limit breakers get these votes to stay same dmg cuz of the community on fg that mostly exist out of Event players or just really casual there is no clan war on this server anyway so the 'cw community' woud def vote for lower dmg since u can fkin easy 2 shot somebody but people that like they 'paid' for it so they woud never wanna see something nerfed cause it feels like they being cheated with there money. and thats kinda fair i do understand that but its mostly for balance and not balance for the event or quest or casual community but for other players that are not alot of time on the forum and like the 'cw players' most of them went already to the other server u know