Hey guys, so I recently come back to playing GunZ after like, maybe around 6-7 years where I found myself to be actually quite decent back then. However, ever since I came back, I haven't been as successful as back then.

I wanna actually learn how to improve if you guys have any suggestions that would be great.

My main problems / questions for this topic would be :

1. I can't really move / reload shot, though, I can indeed reload shot. I've tried placing reload on right click and found some success with it, however, I would like to know if this is a good idea? I put my "alternative fire" (flip) on my mouse button 4 as I find it better anyway.

2. What keybinds are best for this game? Do many people really ever change it up, or keep it at default? I always feel the game definitely feels clunky when on the normal keybinds and would like to hear everyone's suggestions on different types of keybinds as it would be of great help. :)

3. Triple BF seems to be quite hard, can anyone really show any other way of doing it? I can consistently do DBF as it just isnt at all very hard for me, is this enough, or is TBF actually just better overall?

4. "Insta". Idk if that's the "word" for it, but I'm also just not very good with this, is this a good thing to keep in mind or is this just for show?

Everything else seems to be fine with me, I can do quite a bit just not "efficiently" enough to be as good as everyone else currently.
I'd also like to add that ever since I made this account, and I'm at level 51, I always feel no one likes to play with lower levels, is this a thing? I just feel so much worse than everyone else and I'd feel I'd get kicked for joining at a much lower level than people and not to mention the restricted level rooms are never with people and it's only ever the free rooms which sucks so i have to play with people 100x better than me.

Anyway, that's all, I'm sorry for rambling on, would just love to find helpful information and tips on how to better myself at this game. Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day. :)