i dont know if this is the good place to post this thread, question to gm/fm if wrong section to move it to the right section.

well as many of you people know the player count keeps dropping. 2 weeks ago when i returned i saw overal 100 players(back a year ago it was 200+). now last week when i came online i didnt see player count rising above 80. which is dusturbing.
i think we all need to think about a solution to this.. even McSic and dave. because i've seen this earlier happen to ********.. And while i think most of the people want to keep this server alive for a little while because everyone knows eachother which makes it alot of fun ingame..

i think if we don't try to do something about it our player count will decrease to 50 in this summer.

so i made this thread to search for solutions to stop this and bring back a bit fo the player count to a stable 100+.

would've like to see everyone try to do something.

i got 1 idea..:
maybe search for the rights of maiet/ijji to make this a official server of gunz?(since there is no official server)
then contact steam about it and maybe with payment add it to steam shop/client. So it will be seen in the Shop as a unique fast paced action shoooter.
since alot of people use steam and we might bring new people in.

let's all try to help this server stay alive..

-sorry for not that great english , idk i suck at it.