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  1. #1
    Junior Member

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    The current events have gotten extremely repetitive and also boring to an extent. When applications for the event team were open a couple of months ago, almost all applicants posted new event ideas. What about them? Aren't any of them going to be included in the event list?

    Let it break down some examples for you:

    [1] LMS is hosted almost every single day, and the worst part is that it's hosted in the same maps: Town, Garden, Island Temple, CS Assault, and—occasionally, if we're lucky—something else. It's as if other maps don't exist.

    [2] Hide and Seek: Another fun event, but always has a poor selection of maps. As usual, Town is always on the list. Castle is another frequent one where you can find people spawning at the red base winning most of the time. Yes, all you do is spawn and wait there until you win. Fun.

    Other common maps used are Port, Garden, Weapon shop, etc. How the heck do you hide in Weapon shop and Garden? Why do other maps like Island, Lost Shrine, Dungeon 2, Skyline, and Cybersports even exist?

    [3] Run sword/long sword/dagger: It wouldn't be fair for me to comment on them now since I stopped playing them a while ago. But yeah, they do get boring and are probably hosted in the same maps I mentioned above.

    Now, let's come to some good events that should be hosted more often:

    [1] Lights: This event is fun, keeps all the participants actively engaged, and is quite challenging. I don't see why this is almost never hosted. I get that it requires at least 2 ET members, but that shouldn't be a problem as I often see more than one of them around when events are hosted.

    [2] Simon says: Another good one, but rarely hosted. Even if it is, it's always in the same map. Sure, the map is irrelevant here, but why not switch things up a little?

    Another problem with [1] and [2] is that they aren't even included in polls for VIP events. Since the reward is 25c per round, they definitely deserve to be on the list.

    [3] Wall to wall, True/False, and Race: These could certainly be hosted more often instead of LMS and Run from Nade all the time. Why not?

    [4] Gun game.

    Events that could use improvements:

    [1] Guess the password: Make it more interesting. Vague questions like "A map in gunz" or "A gamemode in gunz" isn't fun and doesn't require any's all about luck. It's fine sometimes, but I see this happening often. How about some challenging questions? Tenax often makes this event very interesting, so credits to her on this one.

    Anyway, the reason I posted this topic is to point out how repetitive events and their maps are, and also the fact that no new events are being considered despite being given plenty of ideas. I'm sure at least a couple of new ones can be included. The event team members actively host events on a daily basis, so my request to them is to try being more creative and keep it interesting.

  2. The following user said thank you to EternalBeast for this useful post:

    Daniel (01-27-2018)

  3. #2
    Share's Avatar ɟןǝsɹnoʎ ǝʌoן

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    Before I went semi-inactive, I hosted a variety of events. I'll be active again to host these other events. We host these events over and over because our players whisper or even spam the lobby for these. In addition to the repetitive maps, I will adjust my events to incorporate other maps. Sometimes when I put a different map, players seem somewhat upset about it and ask to swap the maps around.

    I try to stay away from hosting run from sword because most of the pings I get from other players are 200-300 which results in a LONG event. I'll admit, I never hosted Lights, but Raph and I can try to host that together seeing as though we're hosting together all the time. I actually have hosted Simon Says a few times since I've became an official, maybe it's because I host at a bad time for your timezone?

    True/False and Race have been hosted quite a few times lately, again going back to the point where maybe you're only active at the times of repetitive events. I will work on hosting a variety, and I know Raph is willing to as well seeing as though I was complaining about repetitive events to him even before this thread was posted. Although, I cannot guarantee that I can host at your time convenience due to work and school.
    Last edited by Share; 01-28-2018 at 12:46 AM.

  4. The following user said thank you to Share for this useful post:

    EternalBeast (01-28-2018)

  5. #3
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Mar 2014
    I fully agree with your statement/opinion on the so called new events the officials have written about in their applications, and yet, while I'm not sure whether or not they even tried them ingame as I don't log in anymore, seeing as there was no real new event added to the list since June of 2016, kinda shows that they're probably not caring too much about what they wrote there.
    Not to mention, the recent "new" events that have been added (rollercoaster, musical chairs, fashion), are not being hosted either.

  6. #4
    Notorious's Avatar Khangus Khan

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Duel events / TDM events / Gun Game, cause we like PVP okkkkkk

  7. #5
    Junior Member

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    Apr 2017
    Originally Posted by Clarify View Post
    We host these events over and over because our players whisper or even spam the lobby for these. In addition to the repetitive maps, I will adjust my events to incorporate other maps. Sometimes when I put a different map, players seem somewhat upset about it and ask to swap the maps around.
    In both cases, I feel players may seem to complain because they've gotten so used to the current state of things. Make them try something new or uncommon and they might just start liking it. Personally, I just get sick of seeing the same maps everywhere—in training, TDMs, and events. I always complain about choice of events and maps in the lobby, but nobody seems to notice or care.

    Originally Posted by Clarify View Post
    I actually have hosted Simon Says a few times since I've became an official, maybe it's because I host at a bad time for your timezone? Although, I cannot guarantee that I can host at your time convenience due to work and school.
    That's great to hear! I'm certainly not denying that these events do get hosted, nor do I want you to host anything at my convenience. As long as you're hosting a variety of events, it's all good. I find it very rare to see other ET members doing it. In fact, I have played Circle of mines and Simon says with you as the host. I just hope that the others host these uncommon events more often.

    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    I fully agree with your statement/opinion on the so called new events the officials have written about in their applications, and yet, while I'm not sure whether or not they even tried them ingame as I don't log in anymore, seeing as there was no real new event added to the list since June of 2016, kinda shows that they're probably not caring too much about what they wrote there.
    Not to mention, the recent "new" events that have been added (rollercoaster, musical chairs, fashion), are not being hosted either.
    I have played Musical chairs and Fashion only once. Although, Fashion is obviously biased and it'd be best to avoid it. But yes, it didn't strike me until you mentioned that even the new ET members probably suggested new event ideas. I don't think it's unfair to ask them to implement their own ideas, at the very least.

    Originally Posted by Notorious View Post
    Duel events / TDM events / Gun Game, cause we like PVP okkkkkk
    Yeah, TDM events should be hosted as well. Recently, there was a CTF event, so something similar could be done.
    Last edited by EternalBeast; 01-28-2018 at 01:14 AM.

  8. #6
    Amers's Avatar Freestyler

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    tfw you spend hours on writing good suggestions that have valid points but the end of the day the owners wont see it/will do whatever they want anyways :^)
    "Nobody cares, work harder"
    Love everyone, but trust no one

  9. The following 2 users say thank you to Amers for this useful post:

    EternalBeast (01-28-2018), Senyagami (01-28-2018)

  10. #7
    Raphačl's Avatar abuser

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    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    I fully agree with your statement/opinion on the so called new events the officials have written about in their applications, and yet, while I'm not sure whether or not they even tried them ingame as I don't log in anymore, seeing as there was no real new event added to the list since June of 2016, kinda shows that they're probably not caring too much about what they wrote there.
    Not to mention, the recent "new" events that have been added (rollercoaster, musical chairs, fashion), are not being hosted either.
    I tested my events which I wrote on my application, it didn’t work well.
    Musical Chairs is hosted very often by me.. you can ask the players if you want. Fashion is biased yea, roller coaster is being hosted by sam & tenax but yea I’ll try hosting it more often
    Last edited by Raphačl; 01-28-2018 at 03:38 AM.

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