Originally Posted by Jetman View Post
The hard-coded FOV was done for a reason, it's handle via an algorithm that works for almost any resolution, and properly sets it based on the width and height of the resolution. it gives you the closest you can possibly get to a proper fov for widescreens. I've tried this slider in the past, and yes it gives an unfair advantage, b/c people end up setting it to ridiculous values like 500 in order to see behind them.
hm I don't know why that would be allowed on any other server..seems strange, I like the game how it is as well..but projects are always fun, or at least thinking about them lol..I wonder what kinda handicap u could give and make it fair if they have it be their FOV is greater..I was thinking some kind of delay in turning around etc but idk how you can override mouse speed from the engine, and how you would code it based on the value of FOV. i only know about interrupts and I don't think that is the best idea, but it could be kinda funny and fun if people got stuck for 0.3 secs or so. I mean we do have those stun nades XD.

I know that quaternions are implemented for 3D spaces and camera rotation but I haven't put any time in my math. letting u know about that for this game and any games u may code in the future. difficult, but fruit full