Well, I'm going to leave for a while because i'm sick of it.

I do not know if i'm going to come back, it might be next week or next month or never, but at the moment i'm so sick of it.

For the ones who say that I'm not loyal:

It started a while before the major crash, the MATCH agent was often offline, so I couldn't play several times. After that the major crash came, falls hope was given (not always bad, ty for that jaka) I kept at FGunZ all the time, I was on forums and had patience. But now, since the "o so pro" (in my eyes a lifeless game ruiner) wowus has ruined my time on it by giving the NAT error I almost lost all, then they say it got fixed.... But i still couldn't play because of the "999" bug, I think I am loyal enough, maybe not always, but you should understand.

For my friends:

I don't really have many good friends, that would probably just be Keite and Rockerdude for me, I also like AsianThunder very much... but were not friends as I am with Keite and Rockerdude. I won't forget you, we have msn so its alright =)

For my "enemies":

Starting with Weiipeiik, we made it up after a little fight, just that everyone knows, personality's don't fit on some parts but we now learned how to behave with each other, I don't like everyone in this community but if i did something mean to somebody then I apologize for that, except to wowus.

Words to staff:

First of all lets start with Gucci, I know you as a good guy, Since other admins quit its just you and stroop of the high ones, and your doing great. I hope your journey stays long on FGunZ because they need you, badly.
Thanks for solving some problems for me, I don't really know if your going to read it, but i'l write it anyways.

To McSic, just 1 word, "genius". <-- thanks alot.

To Stroop, I consider you as a friend, I hope you do the same will speak on msn and you know I like you alot so I don't think you need a long story.

To Jakanadin:

You learned me alot, you do a great job just get rid of that damn xbox thanks.

Kairy, I just like you.

The rest, such as warren and nitro and others, Great time, thanks.

I guess if you really want to see me you can get my msn, I don't like random contacts so don't add me if you are not going to talk anyway, just if you need help.

Good luck, all of you.
