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  1. #1
    Michi's Avatar spread kindness

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    Not sure if any of you guys know, but there was a shooting at a highschool in my county (Broward). This really hit home for me. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

    The issue is whether or not guns should be given to those that just turn 18, have previous mental instabilities, all that fun stuff.
    Or, go another route and actually arm teachers with practice on how to shoot a gun, for protection in their classrooms in the event of an active school shooter. Are you guys on the side of pro-gun or harder enforced gun control? Where do you believe the issue lies?

    News article on stoneman douglas

    Last edited by Michi; 02-19-2018 at 07:24 PM.

  2. #2
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

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    Considering we're not even 2 months into 2018 and there have already been 18 gun-related incidents at American schools in 2018, I'd say you shouldn't be giving out more guns to people so they can protect themselves (and again: possibly hurt others), but rather enforce a much much stricter gun control on the whole country and the people. But I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

  3. #3
    Michi's Avatar spread kindness

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    Originally Posted by McSic View Post
    Considering we're not even 2 months into 2018 and there have already been 18 gun-related incidents at American schools in 2018, I'd say you shouldn't be giving out more guns to people so they can protect themselves (and again: possibly hurt others), but rather enforce a much much stricter gun control on the whole country and the people. But I don't think that will happen anytime soon.
    What I find most disturbing in all of this is that people continue to argue and point fingers at one another, rather than actually coming together and finding some type of resolution or atleast an effort in order to prevent things like this happening. I don't like the fact that me in my last year of highschool have to actually discuss and be prepared for an active school shooter. None-the-less elementary school kids, even younger than myself, not even being able to comprehend the situation.

  4. #4
    Linzor's Avatar White shores, and beyond

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    This is what truly makes me hate USA because this gotta be pure stupidity, to not do something about it just makes no sense to me.

    First thing you hear from politicians and shit is "NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT GUN-LAWS, NOW IS THE TIME TO PRAY AND HELP THE VICTIMS", Oh go f*** yourself. Talking about gun-laws is never appropriate for those who doesn't want guns to be gone, not until one of these tragedies hits them.

    I don't understand how this is acceptable, literally the only action that's taken place after these incidents are a tweet from the president with a #sad, it's f**ng pathetic.

    Ban guns. You don't need them. In Sweden you can get a gun if you're in a club for over 6 months, but then you need to contact the police and inform them that you got one.
    Can't get any kind of weapon you'd like either, not even remotely. They cant be modded or w/e, include over a max capacity and so on. Not to mention, it's VERY expensive, which makes it so much harder to get a gun in the first place.
    I don't understand how America can't take notes from other countries like Australia who took immediate action when there was a school shooting and banned that shit.
    Last edited by Linzor; 02-19-2018 at 09:59 PM.

  5. #5
    #1Chef's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

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    In my opinion the best course of action now is to make the gun rules stricter, currently the state with the strictest gun laws is California, but it's still way too easy to get the license over there. Introduce a rigorous process in place for people to get the license, including mental tests and regular medical check ups to prove that the person is still mentally there to own a gun every year or so.

    People that say "just ban guns" I can understand why you'd say that and the frustration behind that. But in all honestly I think it's just too difficult to do that, for so many reasons. One, simply asking the millions of American people to give up their weapons whether they be legally or illegally obtained is a bit of a stretch, people can just hide them even if a law is passed to ban guns. The idea of having a gun for protection is something that's so engrained in the mindset of the American people, it would take a few generations to fully filter out the guns and that mindset. There are many other reasons that could be mentioned.

  6. #6
    Linzor's Avatar White shores, and beyond

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    simply asking the millions of American people to give up their weapons whether they be legally or illegally obtained is a bit of a stretch, people can just hide them even if a law is passed to ban guns.
    That's no good excuse to not do it lmao. Most people are registered btw so they'll know if they got one or not. Their ideal of having a gun will be broken eventually, question is how far it has to go and how many has to die before they realise that. That's dem politicians needs to convince them that it's the right thing to do, right now.

    None is so dumb to think that the founders thought this was ok when they signed that stupid piece of paper.

  7. #7
    Eddie's Avatar find ɟlǝsɹnoʎ

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    I personally think the age should be increased to 25. There's no reason an 18 year old male/female needs to be equipped with a gun. A knife, mace, a taser or something of that sort I'd understand, but you don't need no god damn gun at age 18, not even at 21.

    Have mental health/illness disorder checks regularly done on people who wish to purchase a gun. I'd also have them go a lot more in depth with these check ups, since plenty of people can pass them and still be ****ed up in the head enough to go out and murder people. This kid in the Florida shooting is a prime example.

    Also I think the only guns that should be allowed for purchase should be handguns. You don't need to be equipped with a damn assault rifle "for your own protection." I know plenty of my friends who are around my age (23) that own assault rifles. Makes no sense to me. You don't need anything more than a handgun to stop an intruder as long as you know how to aim it. If you can't aim and feel like you need an AR to make up for that lack of aim so you can just spray and pray, take lessons on how to shoot. Simple. And if hunting, say animals for example, is a hobby to you, you shouldn't need to hunt something with a gun stronger than a handgun. If you're trying to hunt something that massive that requires more than a handgun to take them down, IMO there's an issue.

    I'd also have a recall on all weapons that have already been purchased by current gun owners. If the owner is 25 or older and owned a handgun, they could still keep it after going through mental evaluation. Anyone caught with a gun they shouldn't have after that point that was supposed to be recalled can just serve time in prison as a punishment. As far as how long of a prison sentence, that's pretty much up for another debate as a whole separate topic.

    That's just my take on it.

    Eddie | Kiwi | Suiji

  8. #8
    Linzor's Avatar White shores, and beyond

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    Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
    I personally think the age should be increased to 25. There's no reason an 18 year old male/female needs to be equipped with a gun. A knife, mace, a taser or something of that sort I'd understand, but you don't need no god damn gun at age 18, not even at 21.

    Have mental health/illness disorder checks regularly done on people who wish to purchase a gun. I'd also have them go a lot more in depth with these check ups, since plenty of people can pass them and still be ****ed up in the head enough to go out and murder people. This kid in the Florida shooting is a prime example.

    Also I think the only guns that should be allowed for purchase should be handguns. You don't need to be equipped with a damn assault rifle "for your own protection." I know plenty of my friends who are around my age (23) that own assault rifles. Makes no sense to me. You don't need anything more than a handgun to stop an intruder as long as you know how to aim it. If you can't aim and feel like you need an AR to make up for that lack of aim so you can just spray and pray, take lessons on how to shoot. Simple. And if hunting, say animals for example, is a hobby to you, you shouldn't need to hunt something with a gun stronger than a handgun. If you're trying to hunt something that massive that requires more than a handgun to take them down, IMO there's an issue.

    I'd also have a recall on all weapons that have already been purchased by current gun owners. If the owner is 25 or older and owned a handgun, they could still keep it after going through mental evaluation. Anyone caught with a gun they shouldn't have after that point that was supposed to be recalled can just serve time in prison as a punishment. As far as how long of a prison sentence, that's pretty much up for another debate as a whole separate topic.

    That's just my take on it.
    If you don't need a gun when you're 18 or 21, why would you need one when you're 25?

    I do agree that handguns should be the only option, but looking at this they're probably just gonna ban some certain weapons that can then be moddified to become "legal".

    And if hunting, say animals for example, is a hobby to you, you shouldn't need to hunt something with a gun stronger than a handgun
    Don't agree there though, there's a reason why we use rifles to hunt elks/bears and such, bigger animals. But to get that rifle you need to go through a long process.

  9. #9
    Eddie's Avatar find ɟlǝsɹnoʎ

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    Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
    Don't agree there though, there's a reason why we use rifles to hunt elks/bears and such, bigger animals. But to get that rifle you need to go through a long process.
    Yeah that one's my bad. Forgot to take into account that people in certain areas have to hunt for their food for survival needs, which then yeah would require something stronger than a handgun.

    Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
    If you don't need a gun when you're 18 or 21, why would you need one when you're 25?
    Well I know it wasn't originally taken into account in my OG post, but one reason would be the reason I mentioned above this, hunting food for survival purposes. Also most people generally want to purchase a gun for self defense purposes to make themselves feel more secure, which is understandable living in the US with such high crime rates all over the place. Also the reasoning behind why I say 25 is because, yes, I understand age and maturity don't always correlate (i.e. some 14 year olds have more maturity in their pinky than plenty of people in their early 20s), but generally these two tend to correlate. You have 18 year olds going out partying and not giving a shit about life, underage drinking and making poor decisions, eager to finally turn 21 to be able to legally drink, then that phase will tend to die down once someone is in their mid 20s. Most people will have their maturity fully established by the time they're in their mid 20s because they aren't going to get very far in life with an immature attitude at that point. They start to realize shit man, I need to save money and comfortably afford a place to live, feed myself and possibly a family at that point, etc.

    Also taking into account that gun control is a big buzz topic in the moment due to school shootings. A good majority of people are fully completed with high school and college by the time they're 25 and have developed more in terms of maturity. And the development in maturity also ties into gun crimes in general.

    I know there's a lot of "what ifs" you can argue against some of my points, but you're honestly not going to form 100% perfect gun control laws in this world to eliminate these issues completely and forever, especially not in the US. The most you can do is alter what already exists to do your best to prevent it as best as possible.

    Eddie | Kiwi | Suiji

  10. #10
    Stuwadie's Avatar I Am Half Retarded

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    The problem with america is the legalisation of firearms i always thought / still think that is the issue with america they should just get rid of the whole firearm rule in general ofcourse there would still be murders etc but they made a retarded mistake by making this legal also a few years back the economy of america wasnt that great ( probably still isnt ) the country had debts MAINLY because americans are to stubborn to give up their "allowed" to purchase a firearm with correct license

    TLDR america is a shit country with a retarded rule of firearms that should really be removed

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