There's a player named Wulf, he claims to have "a mouse with gray buttons", but does not know what kind it is; but, that is able to be macro'd. My questions are as follows:

1. To make a mouse macroable you need to have a program to stick the button to the keys. I know because I used to utilize a program called JoyToKey in IJJI and other games. I also have a macroable mouse, all I need to do is install software. My question is, is it okay to macro using software on your mouse (hardware) and then say it's linked to a third party program? If not, then I believe he should be banned.

2. I could be completely wrong, but since I asked him how he did it, and he didn't respond, I'm assuming he's using another program. I understand a staff member had already cleared this but I'm having trouble understanding, how is this acceptable? If there is an alternative answer, please let me know.

3. Finally, this is not IJJI, meaning you do not have to go by their rules. My last question is, should this individual be allowed to use his mouse to have an unfair advantage over players? Help me understand why this is acceptable.