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  1. #11
    Zeus's Avatar Avalanche Gaming

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    No (I'm only a trial therefore what I say may/may not affect your report)

    I don't believe any of the users stated to be guilty of using any of the hacks you mentioned or any hacks in general.

    ESP - The positioning in both maps (Factory/Dungeon) didn't require any form of ESP in order to locate where you were, there was even a moment you told them stairs in the dungeon map, not sure if that was you trying to be strategic or not but anyone who understands the concept of competitive play understands that never believe 100% what a user says they may say "one location" but what they really mean is "we want you to rush to that location, so we can catch you by surprise" you'd have to be foolish to fall for that and then anything after was regular game play.

    Hitbox - Look at your pings to the users, they are 80+, this would mean in the event of you watching them play as a spectator or on your own recording things are going to look odd, although the server is anti-lead, the replay system still show's game play as if it were lead due to delay. What this means is that on your screen they aren't even directly aiming anyone in fact it would appear they aiming milliseconds behind the user giving the effect of what hitbox would be however this isn't true on their screen they've hit the target directly, this would also work vice-versa if they were to record you and your team you would appear to be doing the same which is hitting everyshot off target but yet dealing damage.

    Shotbot - There's nothing highly evident to support this, there's multiple of moments from each user where someone on your team would pass through their xhair and a shot would not be fired, now unless they are toggling at a high rate this wouldn't be the case, there isn't even "unexpected" shots where someone would appear suddenly and a shot would fire randomly triggering some kind of reload fail however this is not evident amongst the replays given either. This is also a 4v4 situation meaning in the event of a clustered up battle the shotbot wouldn't be controllable as you aren't able to pick and choose which player it will work for, it simply works off the fact a user passing through the xhair and the shot being automated therefore instances of random non reloaded shots would be happening which again aren't present.
    Last edited by Zeus; 04-25-2018 at 10:47 PM.

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  2. #12
    #1Chef's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Ok so you're accusing the users of shotbot, ESP, and Hitbox. I've watched the replays multiple times for each member of the other clan and I cannot see any sign of hacks being used. Here's why I believe they are innocent:


    ESP: It's not very difficult to figure out where players are in such a small map, sound play is a major factor to be taken into account when it comes to these maps, there were no instances that stood out to me where it may have been something other than that.

    Hitbox: The ping difference between your clan members and the opposing team is high, therefore you may see some odd things while watching the replays. There weren't any instances where with all 4 members of the other clan were facing enemies and their crosshairs were off of the target completely and damage was still made therefore I can't see any hitbox being used by any of the 4 users.

    Shotbot: In order for any of these users to have been using shotbot many signs would have been clear in the replay but no red flags were raised for me. No unusual shots seen, movements were seen as normal (if there were any abnormalities such as tumbles, they were just mistakes). Also they seem to be wall post shooting fine which is something any shotbot user would find impossible.


    ESP: For the first 2 rounds they just went to your base where they killed you, no ESP needed there, for the other 2 rounds they just found one of you where the rest of you were and killed you all, no ESP needed there either.

    Hitbox: Again no case found here, didn't find anything odd in terms of the damage made in accordance with the shots and their placement. Nothing seemed off to me, their crosshairs were faced directly at the enemy when shooting and achieving any damage. There were no crazy long distance shots either where anything seemed sketchy from any of the 4 users.

    Shotbot: No signs of shotbot being used, they were wall post shooting normally, their crosshairs weren't locking weirdly or moving abnormally.

    In conclusion I believe all users are innocent from any use of hacks.

  3. #13
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

    Join Date
    May 2013
    My overall vote on this report is a NO.
    Regarding ESP, it is hard to judge because Factory is a small map and you could mostly sound-play through it, finding all your opponents that way. In dungeon it is also very unlikely that the users were ESPing because it is also possible to sound-play and travel in one direction towards the target.
    Regarding Hitbox, Shotbot and Damage Reducing I'd vote no due to ping also playing a factor, and there were no suspicious moments that even made me think that they were using any of these hacks.


  4. #14
    Cyanide's Avatar Junior Member

    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    wow good supporting hackers lmao ik these goona happen hacker will be called innocent , these is not fair. trails have no brain??

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Nothing out of the ordinary here, if anything they just got good teamwork as opposed to yours, you're just easy targets to aim, no offence.


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