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  1. #1
    Gemi's Avatar SshangG's Idol

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    IGN: Zeus

    Reason: Med hack


    I reported a player yesterday and it got rejected because he wasn't OCing as per Ommadawn.

    Lets say he isnt. How the **** does he spam 1000ms delay meds like 300ms? Thats the issue here. I had 3 replays there and its all in separate rounds and screenshots that he does not spike. I saw him do this multiple times in his LIVESTREAM. Thats why i went in-game to get proof.

    Requesting other GMs to look at it too. Dont check for OC signs, check why he can med that fast with 1000ms meds not once not twice but multiple ****ing times...

    No offense on the F words.
    Last edited by Gemi; 04-20-2018 at 04:52 PM.

    by: Gr3yscale =)

  2. #2
    Castiel's Avatar Ex-Event Team - Lurking

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    Mar 2014
    As Notorious stated in the original report:
    He tumbles allot especially in garden and just looking at the tumbles alone are enough to suggest it's nothing like OC, however yes I can see certain times his meds are dropped quick but then at the same time there's other times where they are dropped at a normal rate and rather slow too
    I'll state first than anything that this isn't OC at all and Ping issues like spike neither and neither a med hack
    This is due to something that happens exactly like when you do an RS shooting, basically follows the RS principles, the time delay when switching and shooting sgs or in this case dropping medical items is reduced, he doesn't do it at same frequence and speed everytime that's why we can see him med faster, or normal or slower, it is something pretty much used by K-Stylers to recover quick and be able to keep up fighting ASAP, same happens with quester and meds or magazines, they drop it faster and tumble to recover quick and continue.

    In my opinion this gets a NO.
    Last edited by Castiel; 04-26-2018 at 08:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Gemi's Avatar SshangG's Idol

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    Originally Posted by AvrilLavigne View Post
    As Notorious stated in the original report:

    I'll state first than anything that this isn't OC at all and Ping issues like spike neither.
    This is due to something that happens exactly like when you do an RS shooting, basically follows the RS principles, the time delay when switching and shooting sgs or in this case dropping medical items is reduced, he doesn't do it at same frequence and speed everytime that's why we can see him med faster, or normal or slower, it is something pretty much used by K-Stylers to recover quick and be able to keep up fighting ASAP, same happens with quester and meds or magazines, they drop it faster and tumble to recover quick and continue.

    In my opinion this gets a NO. It is the same as RS as you say, but when you Shoot Gun1->Gun2 then you switch to Gun1 again..Gun1 wont shoot. Get my point?
    Med1->Med2 VERY FAST. Med1->Med2->Med1 will wait for the delay of the first Med1 to finish.

    Also, I already mentioned in my post that its probably not OC but medhack? Please see the reason of the report. Thanks
    Last edited by Gemi; 04-26-2018 at 08:03 PM.

    by: Gr3yscale =)

  4. #4
    Castiel's Avatar Ex-Event Team - Lurking

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    But one thing is doing it with SGS and the other are meds, besides, you said shoot gun 1, then switch to gun 2 without shooting and then go back to gun 1, first of all... no one does that, second if he was dropping 1 med item, according to what you said, it's probable that he wouldn't drop it again until the delay time passed, but he drops both items like a normal RS then it would happen and that reduces the delay, NOW, regarding your point as I checked the replays that didn't happen plenty of times cause he dropped both most of the times, but there were some few times that happened and he did wait the requiered time even though this can also be reduced moving a bit or switching to another type of item even though it won't reduce it to the same point of an rs. Like I said before, I don't think this is an OC, neither Spike and Neither Med Hack.

    I'll leave this to my fellows TGMs to give their opinion.

    Updating something I forgot to mention, other players like UI_Yui for example med the same way, according to you Zeus and UI_Yui using med hack?
    Last edited by Castiel; 04-26-2018 at 08:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Gemi's Avatar SshangG's Idol

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    Originally Posted by AvrilLavigne View Post
    But one thing is doing it with SGS and the other are meds, besides, you said shoot gun 1, then switch to gun 2 without shooting and then go back to gun 1, first of all... no one does that, second if he was dropping 1 med item, according to what you said, it's probable that he wouldn't drop it again until the delay time passed, but he drops both items like a normal RS then it would happen and that reduces the delay, NOW, regarding your point as I checked the replays that didn't happen plenty of times cause he dropped both most of the times, but there were some few times that happened and he did wait the requiered time even though this can also be reduced moving a bit or switching to another type of item even though it won't reduce it to the same point of an rs. Like I said before, I don't think this is an OC, neither Spike and Neither Med Hack.

    I'll leave this to my fellows TGMs to give their opinion.
    dude...i obviously mean Gun1 shoot-> Gun2 shoot -> Gun1 wont shoot immediately....
    Med1 drop-> Med2 drop-> Med1 wont drop immediately even when moving to med faster. If you can copy his medding speed in-game i'll drop this report. We all know the maximum speed of medding i dont know why it is so hard for you guys to figure this out, is it because its an unknown hack? idk im even leaning on sending this to Dave instead he knows his stuff.

    by: Gr3yscale =)

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Investigating, be patient.

  7. #7
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    My vote on this report is NO because the delay itself is not hardcoded, I've viewed all the replays and can conclude that dropping 2~3 meds in one go is just a mechanic glitch not a med hack, for instance I recall when I used to play snipers, that I can triple scope, which was the same concept. Also when dashing the meds will drop faster than at normal speed.

    Also I remember viewing other players after Zeus died in his rounds, and they were able to accomplish the same feat as Zeus and drop 2~3 meds in 1 shot, mostly 2 but the occasional 3.


  8. #8
    Gemi's Avatar SshangG's Idol

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    Replay DMT 002
    First round of replay, round 6/10 very fast med, round 8/10 VERY fast med + near end of round 8/10 he medded 2 HP meds while standing and it was faster than normal + round 10/10 very fast med again.

    Replay DMT 006
    The med at the car when he was getting rushed? 4 meds in less than 1second lmao the animation could not even catch up.

    Just to help you guys.

    by: Gr3yscale =)

  9. #9
    #1Chef's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

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    Verdict: Innocent

    I've watched over the replays provided and I focused specifically on the instances you mentioned in your last post, I've come to the conclusion that there's no sign of any med hack being used.

    During round 6 of DMT 002 there was only 1 med out of the couple that he dropped that was unusually fast, but other than that, during the whole replay including the round 8 and round 10 instances you mentioned I couldn't see anything abnormal.

    While in DMT 006 at Port, in the instance you mentioned prior to him getting rushed his meds did seem to drop fast but not the exaggerated speed you highlighted. Other than that during the whole replay there was nothing that stood out to me.

    I can't see any clear signs of a med hack being used, as Notorious stated in the previous report, reasons for the 1/2 instances where meds seemed to drop faster than usual it could be due to a spike, I can't say for myself what other reason there may be for it but it's definitely not enough for me to say the user is using any kind of med hack.

  10. #10
    Legancy's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

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    i have to agree with my fellow (t)GM's, it's unusual to see such thing happen but i don't think its a hack, might be a bug happening (a few times). don't think there should be any action taken.


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