Originally Posted by AvrilLavigne View Post
But one thing is doing it with SGS and the other are meds, besides, you said shoot gun 1, then switch to gun 2 without shooting and then go back to gun 1, first of all... no one does that, second if he was dropping 1 med item, according to what you said, it's probable that he wouldn't drop it again until the delay time passed, but he drops both items like a normal RS then it would happen and that reduces the delay, NOW, regarding your point as I checked the replays that didn't happen plenty of times cause he dropped both most of the times, but there were some few times that happened and he did wait the requiered time even though this can also be reduced moving a bit or switching to another type of item even though it won't reduce it to the same point of an rs. Like I said before, I don't think this is an OC, neither Spike and Neither Med Hack.

I'll leave this to my fellows TGMs to give their opinion.
dude...i obviously mean Gun1 shoot-> Gun2 shoot -> Gun1 wont shoot immediately....
Med1 drop-> Med2 drop-> Med1 wont drop immediately even when moving to med faster. If you can copy his medding speed in-game i'll drop this report. We all know the maximum speed of medding i dont know why it is so hard for you guys to figure this out, is it because its an unknown hack? idk im even leaning on sending this to Dave instead he knows his stuff.