Originally Posted by Eran View Post
I'm against that because I want it to be gunz not fortnite but the game mode is from fortnite,pubg,h1z1.
I said that cuz for that mode you need a x10 super flip size map and i dunno how much time and effort they need to design map that big.
Thats why i suggested that.
If you really want the developers to make that mode you need to make it easier for them to design.
Instead of a huge map they can make it in super flip and change that the player’s speed will be slower and his shot’s range will be shorter as-well and they can add a fog like in infected so ppl could not see players from far away.
That way it will make it easier for them to make and you will get the mode you wanted.
Cuz i dont think they will make something that hard if they aren’t certain that ppl are gonna play it and that it will make more ppl come back