Originally Posted by Eran View Post
But he will just wait till clan wars reset and then just close the clan so what's the point...
And he probably won't make me the leader after I asked taint to make me the leader.
The point is this;

"I didn't mind making him the clan leader"

You willingly gave him leader to your clan, you later regretted it yes, however the person at fault here is you and it was wrong of Taint to use the GMCP to revert your action because as there was 0 foul play involved, YOU made that decision tio make him the leader, it's like you sending someone coins, them spending them and then going to a staff member because you regret it and want them back, it just can't happen that way, you should have to deal with the consequences of your actions imo.

If he chooses to close the clan afterwards then you are legible to remake the clan then? By using a staff member to forcefully remove his leader status which you gave him would more than likely antagonise him just to store the clan name on an alt so you can no longer have it again.

This is my 2cents on the whole situation