Originally Posted by DanEditsHD View Post
what about all the people that worked hard 2009 - 2018 to be able to CW without being in disadvantage and now need to pay up for another LB just to CW? i know myself i lost my own account in V8 cause of that update and im only using friends now.
it had Genesis + Duelisto 2 rings full set and even tho i never owned LB on Hakui / betmen i could still play anyone now i cant even touch that account since V8 ruined all the sgs i had and now i am forced to get 2LB'S if i want to play on it competetively.

and im just one imagine how many more have quitted because of that.
v8 basicly forced everyone paying up all over again while server was dying and now even old people cant come back to there old account since they have to donate again and im not even gonna get into the retarded weapon upgrade system i think whoever made this totally lost any idea what gunz should be.
instead focusing improving ur play & skill in clanwar you made players farm gear like MMO game this is gunz not maplestory my friends whats up?
Couldn't agree more about how the LBX ruined competitive cw. But realistically speaking, taking it out of the game will never happen.