Originally Posted by EternalBeast View Post
People who put in effort would certainly feel bad about it, yeah; but the point here is, nobody really asked for these type of features in Gunz. Referencing your earlier post, nobody "demanded" these things and decided to quit if they weren't going to be added.

It is pretty obvious that they worked very hard and spent a lot of time coding complex stuff like the Gem system and whatnot, but they never asked the community if such drastic and game-changing features were what we really wanted. No detailed discussions, no extensive beta tests in the months leading up to the release, nothing. A new hitbox, screen shake effects, overpowered gems & another limitbreaker (although, I'll admit they were smart moves from a financial standpoint) etc., were abruptly added and it was like saying "this is what it's going to be from now on—deal with it". See why that would piss people off?

Gunz doesn't have the kind of large playerbase like CS, Fortnite, or whatever where experimenting at the expense of losing some players wouldn't make a difference. I mean, come on...this 'experiment' has lasted almost a year & when there's a consistent downward trend in the player count (which is almost hitting rock bottom), would rolling back to some old, tried & tested features really be that bad? Don't we all deserve to know why they're holding back and continue to persist with something that clearly isn't working? This is why we need to hear their views, even if they decide not to make any changes.
To be fair the original idea of the Gem system was fine and simpler, the thing is that we devs do not have the control of the final outcome when it comes to stats given (originally the stats would be lower and simpler).

As for the hitbox, I think a more detailed hitbox made more sense (not talking about the drop off damage based on distance).
The new hitbox had a character shape instead of a rectangle; so the game would be slightly harder if that makes sense.

For screenshaking effects I think it was already in the game but not enabled, such effects make sense when it comes to grenade or stuff (haven't played in ages so I cannot remember where they used this for).

But I agree on that they could've pushed/fixed simpler issues in the game more often as the did (or never did).
I still look at it from a developing perspective as a player perspective, but if it was for me I would've done a few things differently (patching and polling wise).

But apparently they still did something good if the avarage player base is near a 100..?